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研究生(外文):Cheng-Hsin Huang
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the transformation strategy of House Furnishing Company A from the Perspective of Improvisation
外文關鍵詞:Business modelImprovisationTransformation strategyHouse furnishing
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Faced with ever-changing external environments and internal resources, transformation of the driving factors behind innovation have come to an impasse; global industries are all facing pressures of transformation and are searching for new business models. However, errors in the transformation process can possibly result in a decade of industrial decline, and therefore traditional industries must take the lead in transformation, be it in terms of timing, degrees of change, and speed of change, in order to determine the developments of the next decade.
However, as firms go through different stages of transformation, they will face different environments, opportunities, and problems. In this study, we used theories of improvisation as a framework to create new business models. Firms faced with high resource limitations and multiple innovative problems should consider utilizing improvisation, while business models can be seen as dynamic transformations under changing environments and times-- conditions ideal for improvisation. The improvisation process can be seen as a reaction to rapidly changing internal and external environments, allowing organizations to move on from previous mindsets and plan out future strategies.
This study uses the transformation of Household Company A as a case study to determine how firms can use their client resources to their best advantage under the improvisation framework, and expand their operations to new consumer markets to create a new business model for the household services business. For example, strategic alliances with outside firms, moving companies, cleaning companies, and interior management, design, and repair companies. Household Company A has developed a whole new model which seeks to fulfill any and all consumer demands related to housing. The improvised transformation and creation of new business models is the focus of this study.
The results of our study found that 1. Transformation of business models does not happen within the blink of an eye; 2. The success of corporate transformations relies heavily on the business acumen of corporate leaders; 3. Transformation of business models is brought about by different triggers and resource allocation; 4. Improvisation is an important core competency; 5. The improvisation framework can be used to examine transformed business models; 6. Improvisation is a dynamic framework that focuses on internal capabilities and learning by doing. using effective implementation and resource integration to find solutions for challenges companies are facing.
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的與主題 6
第三節、研究流程與架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 10
第一節、企業經營模式 10
第二節、即創理論 22
第三章 研究方法 27
第一節、質性研究 27
第二節、資料蒐集 32
第四章 個案簡介-以A集團居家為例 37
第一節、居家服務產業市場簡介 37
第二節、A集團居家及其內外部戰略環境分析 39
第三節、個案企業介紹:A集團居家業務轉型概況 41
第四節、A集團居家O2O平台的建構現況與運營策略 52
第五章 個案分析- A集團居家業務轉型即創過程分析 54
第一節、個案企業在各階段歷程的經營模式架構 54
第二節、從即創觀點探討轉型前後商業模式的發展及調整 59

第六章 結論與建議 69
第一節、研究發現 69
第二節、管理意涵 73
第三節、研究限制 76
第四節、未來研究方向 77
參考文獻 78

圖1-1 研究流程圖 8
圖1-2 研究架構 9
圖2-1 Hamel的經營模式架構 10
圖2-2 商業模式認知地圖 12
圖2-3 Osterwalder & Pigneur商業模式地圖 15
圖2-4 Johnson, Christensen & Kagermann商業模式 16
圖2-5 Mason & Spring經營模式 17
圖2-6 Magic Triangle經營模式 18
圖2-7 經營模式創立與轉型的四個階段 20
圖2-8 即創流程 23
圖3-1 SPS研究法流程圖 34
圖4-1 A集團居家及其內外部戰略環境分析 39
圖5-1 A集團居家的即創歷程分類59
圖5-2 參考Tan等人(2010)架構比對前後商業模式 62
圖5-3 參考Tan等人(2010)架構比對前後商業模式 65
圖5-4 參考Tan等人(2010)架構比對前後商業模式 67

表2-1 Hamel經營模式說明 11
表2-2 Mitchell & Coles 經營模式七大元素 13
表2-3 Osterwalder & Pigneur商業模式區塊說明 14
表2-4 商業模式比較 16
表2-5 Magic Triangle四個要素 18
表2-6 經營模式創立與轉型 19
表2-7 學者對於經營模式的定義 20
表2-8 Crossan等人的即創類型 22
表2-9 學者對即創的定義 25
表3-1 質性和量化研究之差異性比較 27
表3-2 本研究之研究對象資料彙整說明 32
表3-3 本研究之訪談大綱說明 32
表4-1 草創期 成立室內設計部,探勘問題確認潛在利基(1989-1991)之歷程 44
表4-2 精進期 集團外成立室內設計公司,技術引進(1992-2004)之歷程 46
表4-3 蛻變期 退出實體改為轉介服務中心,尋找合作夥伴(2005-2014)之歷程 49
表4-4 整合期 成立居家O2O平台,水平多角化整合(2015-current)之歷程 51
表5-1 A房地產企業集團的「室內設計部門」草創期的經營模式 55
表5-2 「S、T室內設計公司及分公司」精進期的經營模式 56
表5-3 「A集團轉介服務中心」蛻變期的經營模式 57
表5-4 「A集團居家」整合期的經營模式 58
表5-5 階段一到階段二(草創期至精進期)的附加型即創 61
表5-6 階段二到階段三(精進期至蛻變期)的探索型即創 64
表5-7 階段三到階段四(蛻變期至整合期)的火力全開型即創 66
表6-1 A集團居家以不同時期分類的即創類型與相關因素之分析 71
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6. 好房網House Fun 修繕通網站
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