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研究生(外文):Cheng Zhang
論文名稱(外文):Ehance Research Based on The Work of Emotional Experience about Real Estate Agent Sales Staff Loss Countermeasures and Management
外文關鍵詞:Real estate agency businesssalespersonWork experienceTurnover tendencyCountermeasures
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Through continuing economic growth, the competition among enterprises has become the key to its survival and growth. Due to high speed economic growth, the real estate industry has become the darling of the times. At the same time, the real estate industry''s desire for talent is also growing; thus, how to deal the lost of a talent has also become an headache for the management. How to reduce the turnover rate of sales staff, key employees, and high-potential staffs have become the real estate urgent need to solve this problem.
In Chapter 2, the author analyzes the present situation of personnel turnover at home and abroad, the theory of personnel flow and the causes of the differences. In Ch3, he analyzes the history of the resignation of Nanjing Jinyue Real Estate Sales Co. and combines with sampling depth interviews of employees, then concludes that: an important factor affecting employee turnover is corporate culture, management system, and whether compensation has positive working attitude and so on.
Based on the preliminary conclusions drawn from the analyses on archival data and in-depth interview in Chapters 2 and 3, the author in Chapter 4 proposes four sets of hypotheses on predicting work-related affect and turnover intention for the salespersons in Nanjing Jinyue. The author further uses questionnaire survey to examine these hypotheses and reveals the following findings :
1. What triggers the negative work-related affect of salespersons are work time, how many people they supervise, and salary level relative to industry and within the firm. These factors do not have significant impact on positive affect toward the work.
2. What induce positive work-related affect of salespersons are the characteristics of leaders, such as transactional leadership, the effectiveness of leadership style, person-organization fit, and justice (specifically procedural justice and interpersonal justice). These factors significantly relate to vigor at work.
These meaningful findings provide theoretical and empirical guide to the practice of motivating and retaining elite employees. The author then discusses the practical implications of these findings in the context of Nanjin Jinyue company in Chapter 5. The author proposed two sets of suggestions. First is to recruit, select, and socialize the employees as well as improve organizational culture to increase the P-O fit, to improve the procedural and interpersonal justice of firm management system, and to train managers at every level to improve their leadership effectiveness, to induce and enhance positive work-related emotional and affective experience of the sales staff. Second is to improve the management system, redesign the workload, and management range, and improve the compensation system and incentive scheme, to reduce the negative feelings toward the work.
Abstract II
第一章 緒論1
第一節 選題背景1
第二節 研究的內容、意義與價值1
第三節 論文的主要創新點2
第四節 論文結構與內容3
第二章 員工流動與工作情感體驗的理論回顧5
第一節 員工流動的理論回顧5
第二節 員工工作情感體驗的理論回顧10
第三章 銷售人員流動的原因:基於某房地產代理企業檔案資料和深度訪談
第一節 行業背景與企業背景分析13
第二節 公司銷售人員流動的現狀及其後果分析14
第四章 銷售人員工作情感體驗及其流動的影響要素及其機理:問卷調研的
第一節 房地產銷售人員主動流動的原因要素分析20
第二節 房地產行業人員工作情感體驗和流失影響要素的研究模型構建22
第三節 研究模型的實證檢驗29
第五章 基於實證研究結論的銷售人員流動對策與管理提升措施41
第一節 強化文化和領導方式的激勵作用,提升員工積極正面的工作情
第二節 改進公司相關的管理體制,降低員工消極負面的工作情感體驗43
第六章 論文主要結論與未來展望48
第一節 論文研究主要結論48
第二節 論文局限與未來展望 49
圖1.1 論文內容結構圖4
圖3.2 公司銷售人員離職原因的檔案記載17
圖4.1 本論文研究總模型示意圖24
圖4.2 組織薪酬政策對於員工工作情感體驗的影響模型(分模型一)26
圖4.3 領導因素對於員工工作情感體驗的影響模型(分模型二)27
圖4.4 員工個人工作特徵對於員工工作情感體驗的影響模型(分模型三)28
圖4.5 個人-組織互動因素對於員工工作情感體驗的影響模型(分模型四)29

表3.1 深度訪談對象員工的抽樣指標及其員工類別18
表4-1 相關係數表34
表4-2 組織薪酬相關政策對員工工作情感體驗的影響35
表4-3 決策公平性對工作情感體驗的影響36
表4-4 個人工作特徵因素對員工工作情感體驗的影響36
表4-5 領導特徵對員工工作情感體驗的影響37
表4-6 個人-組織互動因素對員工工作情感體驗的影響 38
表4-7 工作情感體驗——工作活力的仲介效應分析39
表4-8 工作情感體驗——消極情緒的仲介效應分析39
表4-9 工作情感體驗——工作壓力和工作倦怠的仲介效應分析39
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