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研究生(外文):Pei-Chin Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Method of Constructing Patent Portfolio for Original Patents
外文關鍵詞:Patent QualityOriginal PatentPatent strategy analysisPassive patent strategy analysisActive patent strategy analysis
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The number of international patent cases keep increasing. In 2010, Apple.Inc once accused HTC of infringing on five of their patent rights and requested the US government to seize their goods at customs, which caused a tremendous loss to HTC. The case also highlighted the importance of patent rights and further made us re-asses the quality of patent in Taiwan. In fact, there are plenty of approaches to improve the current issue on quality of patent rights in Taiwan. One of the approach indicates that, in Taiwan, we mainly deal patent with Passive Patent Strategies which means that enterprises first look for unpatented technology (also as technology gap) by Technology Function Matrix, and then apply its patent from the analyzed technology scope. This sort of strategy is passive and mainly given to avoid infringing others’ patent rights; however, this approach of patent deployment exists high potential risk as it still confronts a whole patent family (which includes Original Patent, Continuation Application, Continuation-In-Part Application, and Divisional Application). Therefore, this research aims at offering a new strategy of patent application-Active Patent Strategy, with the information based on patent database (USPTO), designing an Original Patent that covers several fields, to provide the following Continuation Applications, Continuation-In-Part Applications, and Divisional Applications a better protection. Two cases are studied, which shows how an improvement of patent quality issue can be achieved, and solve the conundrum we face in Taiwan.
致謝 II
摘要 IV
Abstract V
目錄 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 簡介 8
2.2 專利佈局策略 8
2.2.1 被動式專利佈局策略(Passive Patent strategy) 9
2.2.2 主動式專利佈局策略(Active Patent strategy) 9
2.3 美國專利審查基準(MPEP) 10
2.3.1 說明書本文(Specification) 11
2.3.2 申請專利範圍(Claim) 12
2.3.3 連續案(CA) 12
2.3.4 部分連續案(CIP) 13
2.3.5 分割案(DA) 15
2.4 前案資料檢索 16
2.4.1 分區組合檢索法 16
2.4.2 引用文獻滾雪球法 17
2.5 專利分類碼 17
2.5.1國際專利分類碼(IPC) 17
2.5.2合作專利分類碼(CPC) 18
2.6 被動式專利分析 18
2.6.1專利技術/功效矩陣圖 19
2.7 多元實施例產生策略 20
2.7.1 奔馳法(SCAMPER) 21
2.8 專利組合建構方法 21
2.8.1 專利組合建構方法之流程圖 21
2.8.2專利組合建構方法之功效 22
2.9 小結 23
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究前提及假設 24
3.2 研究流程及架構 24
3.3 技術領域分類 26
3.4 前案檢索 26
3.5 專利分類 29
3.6 專利組合配對 29
3.7 可專利性分析 31
3.8 母案撰寫 31
3.9 小結 32
第四章 實例分析與探討 33
4.1 簡介 33
4.2 飛利浦 33
4.2.1 技術領域一之前案檢索 35
4.2.2 技術領域一之技術分類 35
4.2.3 技術領域二之前案檢索 36
4.2.4 技術領域二之技術分類 37
4.2.5 技術領域二之技術1之應用技術前案檢索 37
4.2.6 技術領域二之技術1之應用技術技術分類 38
4.2.7 專利組合配對 39
4.2.8 飛利浦案之實作分析 39
4.3 可發電殺菌之拖把脫水裝置 39
4.3.1 技術領域一之前案檢索 40
4.3.2 技術領域一之技術分類 45
4.3.3 技術領域二之前案檢索 46
4.3.4 技術領域二之技術分類 50
4.3.5 技術領域二之技術1之應用技術前案檢索 50
4.3.6 技術領域二之技術1之應用技術技術分類 53
4.3.7 專利組合配對 54
4.3.8 可專利性分析 55
4.3.9 母案撰寫 56
4.3.10 專利組合之建構 57
4.4 小結 57
第五章 結論與未來展望 59
5.1 結論 59
5.2 未來展望 60
參考文獻 62
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