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研究生(外文):Yueh-Han John Fei
論文名稱(外文):Flying with Body Rotation: the Unique Flight Dynamics Revealed from Butterflies in Free Flight
外文關鍵詞:butterfly flightrotation of bodycomputational fluid dynamicsirregular flight trajectoryflight maneuver
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為準確了解於暫態下之飛行,本研究透過計算空氣作用力與重力所造成之瞬間加速度建立蝴蝶於自由飛行之數值模擬。模擬結果顯示,蝴蝶於前飛之水平速度變化劇烈;水平速度於上拍結束達最大值(1.2 m s-1),此時翅膀交疊,使水平方向投影面積減小,以避免高速氣流帶來之飛行阻力;當下拍轉換上拍階段水平速度達最小值(0.2 m s-1),此時翅膀往返捕捉下拍所產生之誘導氣流,使產生之推進力提升,透過暫態氣流與翅膀動態之巧妙交互作用;相較於等速飛行條件,蝴蝶於暫態下之平均飛行速度提升47%。在過去昆蟲飛行研究中大多假設飛行速度為等速,然而,透過本研究發現此簡化可能導致低估昆蟲之飛行表現,甚至對其飛行給予錯誤之詮釋。
Flying with low wing beats, erratic trajectory and broad wings, the flight of butterfles is unique and different from most of flying insect. In our observation, the dancing-liked flight motion of butterflies can be attributed to two reasons -- unsteady flight speed and significant body pitching motion. These aerodynamic effects, however, were scarcely examined before. In this study, we create a numerical model of butterflies to investigate the aerodynamic and performance of their unique flight in transient conditions; the flight control strategy with the body pitching motion is also revealed.
Nature butterflies are observed flying with obvious body pitching motion but limited wing rotation, which is unlike the flight motion that observed in most of flying insect. Using numerical models with simplified geometry to compare the aerodynamic forces, power requirement and flow structure generated by the motions of typical insect and butterflies, we indicate that the difference of flight kinematics of butterflies leads to larger force generation. A butterfly operates its wings in a high angle of attack, and both of the leading edge and trailing edge vortices are observed attaching on the wing surface during flight. They provide two regions of low pressure on the wing surface, which enhance the net force generation. The low aspect ratio wings of butterflies is also found to enhance the flight performance of butterflies by increasing the force generation and reducing the aerodynamic power in each stroke.
The large aerodynamic force generation of butterflies increases their flight maneuverability, but also leads to the unstable flight trajectories and large variations of their flight speed. A three-dimensional model of a butterfly in transient flight is then created based on the experimental data. The fluid domain is solved with the commercial software (FLUENT), and the flight speed is solved with the equation of motion in each step by integrating the aerodynamic force and the body force acting on butterflies. The model translates freely both in vertical and horizontal directions.
The numerical results indicate that flight speed (1.2 m s-1 to 0.2 m s-1) largely variates in a stroke and nicely match with the values recorded from experiments. The butterfly wings clap to reduce the drag when the flight speed is high, and capture the induced wakes to increase thrust when the flight speed is low. The wing motion of a butterfly skillfully interacts with its transient flight speed and enables an increase of averaged speed by 47% compared with the model in the same motion but in a constant flight speed. The results indicate that a butterfly flies faster in transient conditions. Considering a butterfly flying in a constant inflow leads to an underestimation of its real speed, which might yield an inaccurate interpretation on the insect''s flight behavior.
Finally, we investigate how body postures affect butterflies’ flight. Body motion in a simulation is prescribed and parametrically tested by changing the initial body angle and rotational amplitude. The results indicate that vertical translation increases when the rotation amplitude increasing, and the horizontal translation decreases when the initial body angle increasing. The body motion of butterflies changes the direction of jet-flow, and further affects their flight modes. Butterflies’ body motion can effectively control the flight modes. In engineering perspective, low flapping frequency and highly maneuverable flight made the butterflies an ideal model for the small flight vehicle designing; therefore, the inspiration of the unique flight of a butterfly might yield an alternative way to control future small flight vehicles.
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1.1 專有名詞介紹 4
2-1.2 昆蟲飛行與傳統空氣動力學(convection aerodynamic)之差異 6
2-1.3 飛行尺寸定律 (scaling law of flyers) 9
2-1. 5 飛行之空氣作用力 15
2-1.6 流體旋轉性之描述-渦度與環流量 16
2-1.8飛行、渦漩環與渦漩環理論(vortex theory) 19
2-1.9 Q判斷法(Q-criterion) 24
2-2昆蟲飛行力學 25
2-2.1 翼前緣渦漩貼附及其穩定性 26
2-2.4 翅膀旋轉動態(wing rotation) 34
2.2.6 昆蟲翅膀之交互作用 40
2-2.8 昆蟲翅膀之撓性(flexibility)與流固耦合 44
第三章 研究方法 60
3-1 實驗方法 61
3-1.1 研究物種 61
3-1.2 動作分析與飛行動態 62
3-1.3 蝴蝶飛行座標系與飛行動態定義 63
3-1.4 蝴蝶流場可視化 69
3-2 拍撲飛行數值模擬 72
3-2.1 計算流體力學軟體與用戶自定義函數介紹 72
3-2.2 網格與動態網格 73
3-2.3 拍撲角度與身體俯仰座標轉換 77
3-2.4 流體求解器設置 79
3-3 數值模型設定 81
3-3.1 枯葉蝶數值模型 81
3-3.2 數值模擬蝴蝶飛行動態與飛行動態調控 82
3-3.3 自由飛行速度計算描述 84
3-3.4 數值結果驗證 86
第四章 身體俯仰飛行與翅膀旋轉飛行之空氣動力學比較 90
4-1 昆蟲翅膀旋轉與身體俯仰動態簡化數值模型 91
4-2 翅膀旋轉與身體俯仰動態比較. 93
4-2.1 翅膀旋轉與身體俯仰動態空氣作用力產生比較 94
4-2.2 不同飛行動態與翅膀展弦比對垂直力係數與效率之影響 96
4-2.3 身體俯仰與翅膀旋轉昆蟲流場結構 97
4-2.4 蝴蝶身體俯仰機制討論 104
第五章 暫態飛行速度與翅膀動態之交互作用 106
5-1.1 實驗量測速度變化 106
5-1.2 自由飛行數值模型與定速飛行數值模型設定 108
5-1.3 自身推進數值模擬 108
5-1.4 自身推進與定速飛行比較 110
5-1.5 翅膀與暫態飛行速度之交互作用 114
第六章 蝴蝶身體俯仰與飛行操控 118
6-1.1 自由飛行數值模型 118
6-1.2 自由飛行速度與流場結構 119
6-1.3 自由飛行速度與流場結構 120
6-1.4 蝴蝶身體俯仰變化與身體軌跡之變化 121
6-1.5 身體俯仰對流場之影響 126
6-1.6 身體姿態與軌跡變化之交互作用 126
第七章 結論與未來展望 130
7-1 結論 130
7-2 未來展望 132
第八章 參考文獻 134
第九章 作者簡歷 147
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