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研究生(外文):Li-Han Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Topology of Active Hydro-Pneumatic Suspension Systems on Eight-Wheeled Vehicles
指導教授(外文):Wei-Jiun Su
外文關鍵詞:hydropneumatic suspensionspring coefficient deploymentstabilityhandlingair-spring interconnectedeight-wheel vehicle
  • 被引用被引用:3
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the spring coefficient of the suspension and the dynamic stability and handling of a vehicle during cornering. First, we use the basic dynamic principle to compute the dynamic equations of the vehicle. The equations of motion of the system are used to observe the vehicle dynamic characteristics for different spring coefficients of the suspension. We use lateral load transfer ratio to evaluate the dynamic stability and optimal handling performance index of the vehicle to evaluate the handling. In this research, the cornering angle of the front four wheels is applied to simulate. It is assumed that the absolute value of lateral load transfer ratio equals to 1, which represents that the sum of the normal force of the four wheels in one side equals to zero. In this situation, the four wheels are all lift-off and it represents the lowest dynamic stability. The smaller absolute value of lateral load transfer ratio represents the higher dynamic stability of the vehicle. The smaller the optimal handling performance index of the vehicle is, the easier the vehicle reaches the desired track. The most suitable spring coefficients are obtained to achieve o high stability and handling for the vehicle during cornering.
口試委員會審定書 #
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiii
符號彙整 xv
Chapter 1 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.2.1 液氣式懸吊系統及性能評估 1
1.2.2 改善車輛行駛穩定性及操控性 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 4
1.4 研究方法與步驟 4
Chapter 2 理論基礎 6
2.1 車輛座標系統 6
2.2 輪胎模型 6
2.2.1 輪胎座標系統定義 7
2.2.2 輪胎所受的力與力矩 7
2.2.3 輪胎轉向力計算 8
2.2.4 側傾力與外傾角 10
2.3 液氣懸吊剛性 10
2.3.1 獨立式與連通式懸吊之剛性差異 11
2.3.2 獨立式氣體彈簧模型 12
2.3.3 連通式氣體彈簧模型 15
Chapter 3 八輪車輛動態數學模型 18
3.1 假設條件 18
3.2 Magic Formula輪胎模型 19
3.3 車輛模型 22
3.4 運動方程式 23
3.4.1 傳統線性螺旋彈簧懸吊系統 26
3.4.2 液氣乘載之非線性氣體彈簧懸吊系統 34
Chapter 4 車輛過彎之模擬與分析 44
4.1 數值方法及求解過程 44
4.2 J-Turn模擬過彎 46
4.3 模擬結果 48
4.3.1 傳統線性螺旋彈簧懸吊系統 49
4.3.2 液氣懸吊之非線性氣體彈簧懸吊系統 54
4.3.3 線性彈簧懸吊系統與非線性氣體彈簧懸吊系統比較 61
Chapter 5 懸吊特性對穩定度影響 64
5.1 穩定度評估方式 64
5.2 八輪車輛車體參數對車輛動態穩定度影響 65
5.2.1 不同車體速度對車輛動態穩定度影響 66
5.2.2 不同前輪轉向角對車輛動態穩定度影響 67
5.3 懸吊剛性調配方式及穩定度分析 69
5.3.1 調配傳統線性螺旋彈簧之彈簧係數 69
5.3.2 調配非線性氣體彈簧 72
5.4 懸吊連通拓樸與剛性分析 78
5.4.1 連通穩定度初步評估方式 78
5.4.2 八氣缸系統拓樸圖 79
5.4.3 四氣缸系統拓樸圖 79
5.4.4 二氣缸系統拓樸圖 82
5.4.5 剛性分析 83
5.5 懸吊連通對車輛動態穩定度影響 85
Chapter 6 懸吊特性對車輛轉向性能影響 88
6.1 車輛轉向性能評估方式 88
6.2 八輪車輛車體參數對車輛轉向性能之影響 89
6.2.1 不同車體速度對車輛動態穩定度影響 89
6.2.2 不同前輪轉向角對車輛動態穩定度影響 90
6.2.3 調配傳統線性螺旋彈簧之彈簧係數 91
6.2.4 調配非線性氣體彈簧 92
6.3 懸吊連通對車輛轉向性能之影響 94
Chapter 7 結論 95
7.1 結論 95
7.2 未來展望 96
參考文獻 98
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