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研究生(外文):Jia-Hao Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Position-based Impedance Control for the Grasping of a Robot Hand-Arm System with Position Uncertainty
外文關鍵詞:Robot Hand-Arm SystemGrasping PlanningPosition-based Impedance ControlRobust Adaptive Control
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Using a multi-fingered robot hand to grasp a target is an important objective in the research of robotics. In most factories or the average family’s household, targets may be located far from each other, so the ability to grasp the target accurately in the approximate position becomes important. Compared with mechanical grippers, which only have one degree of freedom, a multi-fingered robot hand has more operation space to grasp with a higher tolerance of error. This thesis primarily focuses on using a position-based impedance control and virtual spring between robot fingers to change the original trajectory of the robot arm and hand to grasp a target based on the feedback force/torque, which can be read from a tactile array sensor on the robot hand and six-axis force/torque sensors on the wrist when contact is made with the target. The base control, which is a robust adaptive control, can track the trajectory along with the upper control, which is the impedance control, to change the trajectory to grasp the target. A grasping model was constructed to investigate these abilities.
誌謝…………………. vii
摘要 ix
Abstract xi
List of Tables xvii
List of Figures xix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Contributions 2
1.3 Organization 2
Chapter 2 Kinematics and Dynamics 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Inverse Kinematics 5
2.2.1 Jacobian Matrix 6
2.2.2 Iteration of Inverse Kinematics 8
2.2.3 Inverse Kinematics Algorithm 9
2.3 Inverse Dynamics 10
2.3.1 The Model of the Robot Hand-Arm System 10
2.3.2 Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm 12
2.4 Summary 16
Chapter 3 Controller Structure 17
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Adaptive Robust Control 18
3.2.1 The Inner Loop Controller 18
3.2.2 The Outer Loop Controller 21
3.3 Summary 25
Chapter 4 Grasping Strategy 26
4.1 Introduction 26
4.2 Position-Based Impedance Control 26
4.2.1 The Derivation of Position-Based Impedance Control 27
4.2.2 The Discretization of the Impedance Control 30
4.3 Virtual Spatial Spring on Fingers 32
4.4 Grasping Algorithm 36
4.4.1 Power Grasp and Precision Grasp 37
4.4.2 The Trajectory of the Robot Hand and Arm 39
4.4.3 Slip Detection 41
Chapter 5 Simulations 42
5.1 Simulation Environment 42
5.2 Simulation Scenarios 46
5.2.1 Robust Adaptive Control Simulation 47
5.2.2 Impedance Control Simulation 49
5.2.3 Grasping Strategy with Power Grasp Simulation 51
5.2.4 Grasping Strategy with Precision Grasp Simulation 55
Chapter 6 Experiments 60
6.1 Integration of the Hardware System 60
6.1.1 Six-DOF Robot Arm 60
6.1.2 NTU Robotic Hand VI 61
6.1.3 Sensors 64
6.2 Software System 67
6.3 Experiment Results 69
6.3.1 Shake Hand 69
6.3.2 Grasping : Power Grasp 72
6.3.3 Grasping : Precision Grasp 74
6.3.4 Close the Door 76
6.3.5 Pick and Place an Egg 78
6.4 Summary 79
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 80
7.1 Conclusions 80
7.2 Future Works 81
References 82
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