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研究生(外文):Hua-Yu Shih
論文名稱(外文):Hall Sensor Fault Tolerant Control Strategy for a Powered Wheelchair Driven by Rim Motors
外文關鍵詞:rim motorelectric wheelchairmechanical brakehall sensorfault tolerant control
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the development of a powered wheelchair driven by a rim motor of the Hall sensor failure detection system while matching it with a rotor angle estimation system, and to integrate it into the Hall sensor fault tolerant control strategy for a powered wheelchair driven by rim motors.

This paper will firstly introduce the power system of the powered wheelchair driven by rim motors and the mechanical brake module. The mechanical brake module is primarily composed of a mechanical brake system and a handheld release brake system, as well as adding the spring and the Solenoid valve together by using the dog clutch. The principle of this brake system is to utilize the Spring force to press the dog clutch tightly, making the wheel stop rotating in order to achieve the brake effect, and also to release the brake by controlling the Solenoid valve against the Spring force. When anomalies occur in the power system and the system cannot release the brake by the Solenoid valve, it is still possible to release the brake by the handheld release brake system, rotating the three-clawed operation interface in order to make the handheld release brake system into linear motion due to the screw thread, then pushing the dog clutch to release the brake.
The main structure of the rim motor in this study is a brushless DC motor. It provides information of the rotor angle by combining with three hall sensors. These position sensors are advantageous for their low cost and small size. By observing the signal from these three Hall sensors when the motor rotates, this study establishes the fault tolerant control system of Hall sensor. When anomalies occur from the signal, this study will distinguish the abnormal signal, choosing the Hall sensor which is in good condition. It will operating the rotor angle estimation of the single Hall sensor by using the Hall sensor which is in good condition. If there is no well- working Hall sensor to be distinguished, it will operate the estimation of sensorless angle, and output the information of rotor angle into the under controller to drive the rim motor, making sure that the powered wheelchair is available.
The Hall Sensor Failure control strategy we discussed in this paper makes the powered wheelchair driven by the rim motor remain in control due to Hall sensor damages or abnormal signals while driving. It can effectively prevent or reduce dangers. Additionally, as it is equipped with a mechanical safety brake, the strategy ensures that wheelchair ignores different terrain factors and stays put instead of moving in arbitrary directions when it stops. As a result, it strengthens the safety of the powered wheelchair.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xiv
符號表 xv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.2.1電動輪椅動力系統 2
1.2.2直流無刷馬達驅動控制 4
1.2.3霍爾感測器角度估測 7
1.2.4直流無刷馬達失效控制 8
1.3論文架構及章節摘要 9
第二章 手輪馬達電動輪椅整車系統與模型 11
2.1整車系統架構 11
2.1.1手輪馬達 12
2.1.2煞車模組 16
2.2 整車動態模型 24
2.2.1手輪馬達動態方程式 24
2.2.2手輪馬達簡化模型 31
2.2.3整車車體動態方程式 33
2.3 整車控制架構 39
2.3.1上控制器 39
2.3.2下控制器[44] 42
2.3.4整車控制系統 45
第三章 直流無刷馬達基本工作原理 47
3.1直流無刷馬達運作原理介紹 47
3.1.1直流無刷馬達架構簡介[42] 47
3.1.2直流無刷馬達運作原理 50
3.2 轉子位置偵測感應器簡介 52
3.2.1編碼器 52
3.2.2霍爾感測器 53
3.3直流無刷馬達三相Y接反電動勢與霍爾感測器位置關係[45] 55
3.3.1 反電動勢波型 56
3.3.2霍爾感測器安裝位置 62
第四章 失效控制邏輯與原理 65
4.1控制器介紹 65
4.2霍爾感測器失效判斷邏輯 67
4.2.1一顆霍爾訊號失效情況 70
4.2.2兩顆霍爾訊號失效情況 73
4.3手輪馬達磁場導向控制 80
4.3.1磁場導向架構 80
4.3.2座標轉換[43] 80
4.4霍爾感測器角度估測原理與實現 86
4.4.1三顆霍爾感測器角度估測原理與實現 86
4.4.2單一霍爾感測器角度估測原理與實現 88
4.4.3無感測器角度估測法[45] 89
4.5失效控制策略架構 93
第五章 實驗與結果討論 95
5.1實驗設備與場地 95
5.2霍爾訊號失效控制策略之實驗與性能測試 96
5.2.1轉子角度修正 96
5.2.2轉子角度估測法測試 99
5.2.3手輪馬達霍爾訊號失效控制驗證 106
5.2.4落地實測 115
第六章 結論與未來展望 118
6-1結論 118
6.2未來展望 119
參考文獻 120
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