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研究生(外文):Shun-Wei Yao
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Reducing Springback in the Stamping of Advanced High Strength Steel sheets
指導教授(外文):Fuh-Kuo Chen
外文關鍵詞:advanced high strength steelsside-wall curlpost stretchvariable blank holder forcedrawbeadfinite element analysis
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因高強度鋼成形困難,在回彈補償的試模階段需耗費大量的金錢及時間成本,因此導入Computer Aided Engineering(CAE)分析技術,希望藉由CAE之準確分析,以達更精確的模具設計,可以大幅減少試模時間。而材料模型於CAE分析中是相當重要的一環,直接決定破裂、回彈等預測的準確性,其中先進高強度鋼之包辛格效應(Bauschinger effect)較傳統軟鋼更為明顯,因此材料模型需考慮使用包含包辛格效應之加工硬化準則。此外,對於複雜的板金成形,為多軸受力之狀態,因此需以雙軸拉伸試驗決定較適當之降伏準則,期望藉由瞭解材料的塑性變形特性,提升對於高強度鋼板沖壓成形特性分析與回彈預測之能力。
Global warming is increasingly serious so Energy saving and carbon reduction is a main issue. Therefore many automotive industries aim for lightweight. Automotive safety regulations become more stringent, thus the development of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) has been promoted. AHSS are high strength. With the increasing sheet metal strength, the stamping process of sheet metal faces some defects, such as rupture, springback, etc which are more serious than mild steel.
The stage of mold trial needs to consume a lot of money, manpower and time because of the forming difficult of AHSS. So the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) has been introduced. Accurate analysis with CAE can reach accurately die design and reduce time of mold trial significantly. Material modal is a very important part in CAE analysis that deside accuracy of prediction of rupture and springback. Bauschinger effect in AHSS is more serious than mild steels so material modal need to use hardening rule including Bauschinger effect. Furthermore, multiaxial force in the complex metal forming need to use yield criterion including biaxial force. By understanding the plastic deformation characteristics of materials, to enhance abilities of the analysis of AHSS in the stamping and the prediction of springback.
The applicability of yield criteria, such as Hill48, Hill90, Barlat89, Barlat91 and Yld2000-2d for describing the plastic deformation of the advanced high strength steel were investigated first in this thesis. Also according to the literature survey conducted in this thesis, it reveals that the Yoshida-Uemori model is suitable to describe the Bauschinger’s effect and its model would improve the springback prediction.
After confirming the accuracy of the material model, the springback improvement method of sheet metal forming has been discussed. At present, many car structural parts that use AHSS contain U-hat shape section. The U-hat shape drawing that uses AHSS has serious defects of springback and side-wall curl. The literature shows that the “post-stretch” approach can effectively improve the springback. The use of drawbead and variable blank holder force can achieve the “post-stretch” effect in the actual stamping process. Drawbead and variable blank holder force used in U-hat shape drawing with 1180 grade AHSS have been study in this thesis. Research shows that the design of variable blank holder force is easier and better to improve springback, so the design of blank restraining force of variable blank holder force can be used as the reference of drawbead geomtry design. The parameter design flow of two methods have been established in this thesis. The result shows that both methods can effectively improve springback and eliminate side-wall curl.
Three ways of two-step bending process have been study in this thesis. The first way can avoid the occurrence of side-wall curl, but the side-wall springback remains unresolved. The two-step bending design in the literature is the second way that can effectively improve the springback, side-wall curl, but the side-wall will produce S-shaped defect. So the third two-step bending process has been designed to improve S-shaped defect in this thesis. The use of cam die can change stamping direction, thus the allowable compensation range is greater and S-shaped defect can be eliminated.
The design flow of the variable blank holder force and drawbead and optimized two-step bending design in this thesis may be used for the actual stamping design of car structural parts, hoping to contribute to the industry.
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XVI
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 文獻回顧 4
1.4 研究方法與步驟 15
1.5 論文總覽 16
第2章 先進高強度鋼板之材料模型研究 18
2.1 異向性材料降伏準則之介紹 18
2.1.1 Hill 48降伏準則之探討 18
2.1.2 Hill 90降伏準則之探討 21
2.1.3 Barlat 89降伏準則之探討 22
2.1.4 Barlat 91降伏準則之探討 24
2.1.5 Yld2000-2d降伏準則之探討 27
2.1.6 最適合先進高強度鋼成形之降伏準則 36
2.2 Yoshida-Uemori材料模型 36
2.2.1 Yoshida-Uemori材料模型參數之探討 39
2.2.2 加工硬化準則之準確性比較 45
第3章 變壓料力之回彈改善分析 46
3.1 U形帽狀引伸成形回彈分析 46
3.1.1 成形方式與造型說明 46
3.1.2 回彈機制探討 48
3.1.3 造型設計及材料參數對於回彈之探討 51
3.2 變壓料力之回彈改善分析 56
3.2.1 回彈改善機制 57
3.2.2 變壓料力參數設定與回彈之探討 60 變壓料力之參數設定 61 回彈與後拉伸之分析 63 小結 66
3.2.3 變壓料力曲線設計範圍建立 67
3.2.4 其他參數之探討 71 母模R角之影響 72 沖頭R角之影響 74 側壁角度之影響 76 材料強度之影響 78 板材厚度之影響 80 小結 81
3.2.5 變壓料力設計流程之建立 81
第4章 阻料條之回彈改善分析 83
4.1 阻料條之作用方式與收斂性測試 83
4.2 阻料條參數設定與回彈之探討 86
4.2.1 阻料條造型參數之搭配 86
4.2.2 第一組之回彈與後拉伸分析 87
4.2.3 第二組之回彈與後拉伸分析 91
4.2.4 第三組之回彈與後拉伸分析 94
4.2.5 第四組之回彈與後拉伸分析 97
4.2.6 小結 100
4.2.7 單一阻料條設計流程之建立 104
4.3 其他參數之探討 106
4.3.1 雙阻料條之設計與板厚1mm之回彈改善結果 106
4.3.2 沖頭R15mm之回彈改善結果 111
4.3.3 母模R9mm之回彈改善結果 112
4.4 雙阻料條設計流程建立 112
第5章 彎曲工法之回彈改善分析 115
5.1 一道次彎曲 115
5.2 兩道次彎曲(方式一)之探討 118
5.3 兩道次彎曲(方式二)之探討 121
5.3.1 回彈改善說明 121
5.3.2 側壁S形現象之產生機制探討 127
5.4 兩道次彎曲(方式三)之探討 129
5.4.1 工法改善說明 129
5.4.2 回彈改善結果 130
第6章 結論 133
參考文獻 134
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