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研究生(外文):Huajie Zhu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Chip Control in Turning Titanium Alloy
指導教授(外文):Yunn-Shiuan Liao
外文關鍵詞:lathe turningTi-6Al-4Vchip controlchip breaker
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本文旨在為Ti-6Al-4V的切屑控制找出合理的方案。首先對Ti-6Al-4V的切削力分別隨進給、切深、切速這三個切削參數進行討論,與切屑的形態進行比較;Ti-6Al-4V的切屑以螺旋狀(Helical)為主,最終在進給達到0.31mm/rev時,切屑有變為C型斷屑的趨勢。刀具適用的切削條件內,Ti-6Al-4V切屑與刀面的接觸距離不到1mm。根據本研究發現適當增大進給導致切屑流動角增大;適當減小車削速度導致上捲半徑減小,側捲半徑增大;適當減小車削深度導致上捲半徑減小,側捲半徑增大, 並搭配凹槽(Groove)型斷屑槽就有希望使得切屑被引導撞到刀腹面,進而在應力應變增大到極限值之後發生斷裂。本文還推導出了適用於金屬切削的斷屑準據,並用1045中碳鋼和304不鏽鋼初步驗證了其正確性。最後推導出要使得Ti-6Al-4V在小於0.2mm/rev的進給下斷屑,斷屑槽寬度要小於1.2mm,但是目前商用斷屑器的斷屑槽寬度都大於1.5mm。所以,干切削條件下Ti-6Al-4V,在刀具廠商推薦的切削範圍內,Ti-6Al-4V難以自行斷屑。
With the development of social productive forces, application of titanium alloys is not only confined to the field of aerospace and military, but also is increasingly being used in the production of all aspects of life. However, because of its unique material properties, we can not get better processing efficiency and lower processing costs. Among all these puzzles, the problem of chip control of Titanium alloys(Ti-6Al-4V) has been troubling the manufacturing industry. Long and tough chips hinder the improvement of processing efficiency, affecting the surface roughness of the workpiece, reducing tool life.
This research aims to find a reasonable solution for the chip control of Ti-6Al-4V. First, the cutting forces of Ti-6Al-4V were discussed with the three cutting parameters of feed, depth of cut and cutting speed respectively, comparing to the shape of the chips; Most of the chip shapes are helical. Finally, when the feed rate reaches 0.25mm/rev, chip has the tendency to become C-type breaking chip. the contact distance between the chip and tool face is less than 1mm in common turning conditions. We need to be reduced, to be increased, increase the chip flow angle appropriately and with the design of the Groove-type chip breaker at the same time to guide the chip collision to the flank face. According to this study found that increasing the feed rate appropriately causes increasing; decreasing the cutting speed appropriately causes decreasing, increasing; decreasing depth of cut appropriately causes decreasing, increasing, it is possible to guide the chip collision to the flank face. Finally, it is deduced that if Ti-6Al-4V chip breaks automatically under less than 0.2 mm / rev feed rate, we need the chip breaker width W less than 1.2mm, but the current commercial chip breaker chip breaker width is greater than 1.5mm. So, in dry cutting condition, in the cutting range recommended by the tool manufacturer, Ti-6Al-4V chip is difficult to break automatically.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究目的 8
1.4 本文架構 9
第 2 章 相關理論 10
2.1 切削力學[29] 10
2.2 切屑形狀的不穩定性和適應能力 15
2.3 螺旋切屑形狀的決定 16
2.4 切屑形成與分類 20
2.5 刀具材料性質[38] 23
2.6 關於切屑折斷的理論 24
2.7 鈦合金性質 24
2.7.1 添加元素對鈦合金的影響 24
2.7.2 鈦合金的分類及性能特點 25
2.7.3 鈦合金的加工特性 31
第 3 章 實驗設備與方法 36
3.1 實驗設備 36
3.2 實驗規劃 46
3.2.1 切削力與切屑形態實驗安排 47
3.2.2 有無斷屑槽刀片對切屑影響探討 49
3.2.3 切屑流動狀態實驗安排 50
3.2.4 切屑最終形態實驗安排 50
第 4 章 實驗結果與討論 51
4.1 切削力與切屑形態的實驗結果與討論 51
4.1.1 切削力隨進給量的變化規律實驗 51
4.1.2 切削力隨切削深度的變化規律實驗 52
4.1.3 切削力隨切削速度的變化規律實驗 53
4.1.4 切屑形態的分析歸納與建議 56
4.2 有無斷屑槽刀片之對切屑影響探討 66
4.3 切屑運動規律 71
4.3.1 切屑流動隨進給的變化規律 71
4.3.2 切屑流動隨切速的變化規律 73
4.3.3 切屑流動隨切深的變化規律 75
4.3.4 斷屑槽設計之理論分析及建議 77
4.3.5 Ti-6Al-4V在幹切削條件下難以斷屑斷分析 85
第 5 章 結論與建議 87
第 6 章 未來展望 88
參考文獻 89
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