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研究生(外文):Yi-Che Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Highly Sensitive Continuous Blood Pulse Wave Monitoring System with Tension Control
外文關鍵詞:Pressure sensortension sensortonometric methodcontinuous blood pulse wave measurementconductive polymercarbon nanotubenylon membrane filterpolydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)
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In this work, a tension controlled pulse wave sensing device for continuous blood pulse wave monitoring based on the tonometric method was presented. The pulse wave sensing device consists of a pressure sensor and a tension sensor installed on a strap. According to the tonometric method, the pressure sensor is placed on the skin above a radial artery by wrapping a strap around the wrist of a patient. The arterial pressure estimated by the pressure sensor. The tension of the strap could be measured by the tension sensor so that the preload of the pressure sensor can be regulated in an appropriate range for measuring a stable and clear pulse wave signals. The sensing element of the proposed pressure and tension sensor consisted of the conductive polymer film made by dispersing multiple carbon nanotubes into polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymer patterned with microdome structures by using the nylon membrane filter as a mold. The proposed device features a rapid dynamic response and the linear resistance changes in the preload range. In addition, the fabricated process of the device was simple and low cost. The drift and high-frequency noise of the pulse wave signals were resolved by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT). The measured pulse wave signals can be transformed into continuous dynamic blood pressure signals in the future.
致謝 I
摘要 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XV
符號說明 XVI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 侵入式血壓量測 2
1.2.2 非侵入式血壓量測 6 聽診法(Auscultatory measurement) 7 振盪法(Oscillometric measurement) 8 恆定容積法(Volume clamp method) 9 脈搏波速測定法(Pulse wave velocity method, PWV) 10 脈搏傳遞時間法(Pulse transit time method, PPT) 11 動脈張力測定法(Tonometry) 12
1.2.3 壓力感測器 13 壓阻式壓力感測器 13 電容式壓力感測器 18
1.2.4 具微結構之壓力感測器 22
1.3 研究動機與目的 27
1.4 論文架構 29
第二章 理論基礎 30
2.1 動脈張力測定法 30
2.2 脈波訊號波形分析與概述 33
2.2.1 脈波之產生[45] 34
2.2.2 脈波之特徵點[47] 35
2.3 導電高分子 38
2.3.1 高分子基材 38
2.3.2 導電粒子 39
2.3.3 導電高分子之導電機制 39
2.4 脈搏訊號處理 44
2.4.1 快速傅立葉轉換 44
2.4.2 希爾伯特-黃轉換(Hilbert-Huang Transform, HHT) 46
第三章 元件設計與製程 52
3.1 元件設計 52
3.1.1 壓力感測器設計 53
3.1.2 拉力感測器設計 53
3.2 元件製作流程 55
3.3 導電高分子之製備 56
3.4 模具製作 58
3.4.1 光罩設計 59
3.4.2 微影製程 60
3.5 導電高分子之填充與結構轉印 65
3.6 元件製程結果 66
3.6.1 SU-8光阻框架與導電高分子 66
3.6.2 電子顯微鏡(SEM)圖 67
3.7 元件之組裝與封裝 67
3.7.1 元件實體圖 69
3.8 電路製作 70
第四章 量測結果與討論 71
4.1 靜態量測(導電高分子厚度之決定) 71
4.1.1 不同厚度導電高分子製作 71
4.1.2 量測平台架設 71
4.1.3 量測結果與討論 72
表4.1 靜態量測之表格整理 75
4.2 元件電阻變化量測 75
4.2.1 量測平台架設 75
4.2.2 量測結果與討論 76
4.3 元件頻率響應量測 78
4.3.1 量測平台架設 78
4.3.2 量測結果與討論 79 壓電致動器之限制 79 訊號之振幅與相位差之判斷 79 元件之頻率響應 80
4.4 有限元素法分析血壓與元件受力之關係 82
4.4.1 模型建立 82
4.4.2 邊界條件設定 83
4.4.3 模擬結果與討論 83
4.5 拉力元件之電阻變化量測 86
4.5.1 量測平台架設 86
4.5.2 量測結果與討論 87
4.6 脈波訊號量測 87
4.6.1 脈波訊號量測設備架設(搭配拉力感測器) 87
4.6.2 脈波量測結果與訊號處理 89 量測結果 89 脈波之訊號處理 97
第五章 結論與未來展望 103
5.1 結論 103
5.2 未來展望 104
參考資料 106
附錄A 114
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