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研究生(外文):Wei-Jhe Wu
論文名稱(外文):Development of a Multi-mode Elastic Actuator
外文關鍵詞:Elastic actuatorMechanismClutchSpringHybrid powerEnergy efficiency
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The applications of the robots on our daily lives are increasingly mature, while in academics, the actuation methods for the robots are still under development since the robots are desired to have great actuation ability to face the various environment. DC motors are the most common actuator seen on robotic platforms, because their transfer of electrical power to mechanical power provides a simple and compact form of actuation. Because of the various power requirements placed on the motors, and differing voltages and loads, their required operating points are constantly changing. A high power, high energy-consumption output requirement may exceed the actuation capacity of a lone DC motor. The issues stated above are the starting point of this thesis. Presented in this paper is an actuator that utilizes a DC motor as primary power input, coupled with a spring to provide extra power when needed. The purpose of this actuator is to extend the output torque/power or the output efficiency of the DC motor. We will cover the basic design of the actuator, the control strategy used, and then verify the design under certain unusual circumstances. Two actuator designs are discussed: the first is a basic prototype that verifies the concept of such an actuator, and the second version builds upon the previous design and is more stable and the spring and motor are more coordinated. The control method is analyzed based on the storage and release of the spring potential energy, and a power modulation strategy that provides efficient energy transfer in and out of the system is presented. Finally, by operating the actuator at unusual operating points, we verify this hybrid actuator can effectively increase the motor efficiency and performance.
誌謝 II
中文摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 貢獻 6
1.5 論文架構 6
第二章 機構原型設計 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 設計概念 7
2.2.1 系統需求 7
2.2.2 機構設計 8
2.2.3 元件選用 9
2.3 運作原理 11
2.3.1 輸出模式 11
2.3.2 機構平台討論 14
2.4 馬達操作點轉移 15
2.4.1 彈力位能儲存 15
2.4.2 彈力位能釋放 17
2.5 效能驗證 18
2.5.1 馬達電流估測 18
2.5.2 彈力位能儲存實驗 18
2.5.3 彈力位能釋放實驗 20
2.6 馬達耗能 23
2.6.1 扭簧儲能模擬 24
2.6.2 扭簧釋能模擬 25
2.6.3 耗能結果 26
2.7 本章結論 27
第三章 機構改版 28
3.1 設計目標 28
3.2 硬體架構 30
3.2.1 外觀架構 30
3.2.2 傳動架構 31
3.3 機電系統 33
3.3.1 控制核心 34
3.3.2 分配電路 35
3.3.3 升壓電路 35
3.3.4 切換電路 36
3.3.5 致動元件 37
3.4 操作模式 39
3.5 整體架構 43
第四章 複合式動力 44
4.1 前言 44
4.2 動力平台 44
4.2.1 複合動力 44
4.2.2 平台功能 44
4.2.3 控制架構 47
4.3 操作模式分析 48
4.3.1 儲能分析與策略 49
4.3.2 釋能測試 61
4.4 本章結論 64
第五章 動力調控應用 65
5.1 前言 65
5.2 實驗設計 65
5.3 緩起步測試 66
5.3.1 測試動機 66
5.3.2 位置回授與切換 67
5.3.3 行為表現 68
5.3.4 能量結果與討論 71
5.4 高功率測試 73
5.4.1 測試動機 73
5.4.2 位置回授與切換 75
5.4.3 行為表現 75
5.4.4 功率結果與討論 77
5.5 本章結論 79
第六章 結論與未來展望 80
6.1 結論 80
6.2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 82
附錄一 符號對照表 84
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