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研究生(外文):Kai-Chieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Distortion Reduction for Curved Hat Channel of AHSS(DP980)
指導教授(外文):Kuan-Ming Li
外文關鍵詞:advanced high strength steelfinite element analysisA-pillardistortion
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As the global warming becomes worse and the environmental consciousness rises, AHSS has been widely used as the material of automobile structural parts. However, as the strength of steels increases, stamping defects such as sidewall curl and distortion become worse. This study investigates the distortion in sheet metal forming.
A-pillar is an automobile structural part. Among all automobile structural parts, A-pillar is most likely to be distorted. This study induces the geometric parameters of A-pillar. This study also establishes a model for curved hat channel which has similar geometry with the A-pillar and uses PAM-STAMP to simulate the stamping process with the established model. This study investigates the formability influenced by different geometric parameters. The result can be the reference for A-pillar design. Next, this study simulates the distortion defects influenced by different geometric parameters. By studying the stress distribution on different cases, the mechanism of distortion can be discussed. Furthermore, strategies, like drawbead and die compensation, are used to reduce distortion. This study proposes two die compensation methods for distortion which solve the problem that punch have no space to stamp after compensation. The result in reducing distortion is significant, from 9 degrees to 1.5 degrees. At last, a curved hat channel die has been designed.
目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 VIII
第一章緒論 1
1.1前言與研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 5
1.3文獻回顧 7
1.4研究方法與步驟 11
1.5論文總覽 13
第二章混合斷面基礎載具之建立 14
2.1 A柱簡介與造型參數歸納 15
2.2 簡化A柱之混合斷面基礎載具建立 16
2.3 收斂性測試 18
2.3.1 板材網格尺寸 19
2.3.2 厚度方向積分點數 20
2.3.3 沖壓速度 21
2.3.4 最大自適應網格細化度 22
2.3.5 收斂性測試結果 23
2.4 混合斷面基礎載具不同造型參數之成形性分析 24
2.4.1 沖深 25
2.4.2 U型區長 27
2.4.3 V型區長 29
2.4.4 轉折角度 31
2.4.5 母模R 33
2.4.6 沖頭R 35
2.4.7 造型參數對成形性影響整理 37
第三章混合斷面基礎載具扭曲之探討 38
3.1 不同造型參數對扭曲之影響 38
3.1.1 沖深 39
3.1.2 U型區長 39
3.1.3 V型區長 40
3.1.4 轉折角度 41
3.1.5 母模R 42
3.1.6 沖頭R 43
3.1.7 造型參數對扭曲影響之綜合整理 44
3.2 扭曲之可能機制討論 44
第四章混合斷面基礎載具扭曲改善之探討 49
4.1 壓料力 49
4.2 阻料條 53
4.2.1 全區阻料條 54
4.2.2 局部阻料條 57
4.3模面補償 61
4.3.1 單邊補償 62
4.3.2 雙邊補償 64
第五章混合斷面基礎載具模具設計 67
5.1 開模模具之設計 69
5.1.1 上模 69
5.1.2 壓料板 71
5.1.3 下模 72
第六章結論與未來展望 75
6.1結論 75
6.2未來展望 76
參考文獻 77
作者簡歷 80
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