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研究生(外文):Yu-Fei Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Development of Measuring and Analysis Systems of Speakers Applied to the Measurement of Voice-Coil Impedance, Diaphragm Vibration, TS Parameters and Sound Pressure Level
外文關鍵詞:Lumped Parameter Modelspeakerelectrical impedanceresonant frequencystiffness of diaphragmdynamic displacement of diaphragmTS parameterssound pressure levelvibration modes of diaphragm
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With the vigorous development of technology, speakers have become an indispensable part of human society. Especially in recent decades, the quality of electro-acoustic products have become more demanding than ever along with the progression of consumer electronics products. The working principle of speakers is quite simple, but to satisfy different needs is still worthy of research.
To design high-quality speakers, the measurement of speaker characteristics is crucial. The main content of this thesis is to develop a speaker measuring system is to replace professional electro-acoustic measuring systems, aimed at reducing costs as well as providing a higher degree of freedom system to users and fellow researchers to meet their respective needs.
The measuring system consists of three parts: first, the electrical impedance of the loudspeaker, including utilizing it to test the stability of the earphone membranes as a realistic engineering problem.
The second part is on dynamic displacement of speakers’ diaphragms, calculating the displacement-voltage transfer function, which can determine the TS parameters in conjunction with the impedance curve. In addition, an analysis system is developed to analyze the transient response of electrical signals and displacement signals of speakers. This system is capable of automatically determining the number of waves for the signal to reach steady state.
Finally, a sound pressure level measuring subsystem is developed. Simulating the sound pressure level with TS parameters and the diaphragm displacement as well. Last, measuring diaphragm vibration mode with an optical measurement to check the peaks and valleys in the SPL curve.
All the experimental results of self-developing measuring system are compared with professional electro-acoustic measurement systems to determine its practicality.
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文內容簡介 3
第二章 聲學、電聲學理論及儀器設備介紹 7
2.1 動圈式揚聲器結構與作動原理 7
2.2 基本聲學 7
2.2.1 聲波方程式 7
2.2.2 全向性球面波 8
2.2.3 簡單球狀聲源 9
2.2.4 圓形平板活塞之輻射聲壓方程式 10
2.3 揚聲器之類比電路理論 11
2.3.1 電學系統之電路 11
2.3.2 聲學系統之類比電路 12
2.3.3 力學系統之類比電路 14
2.4 動圈式揚聲器之類比電路 15
2.4.1 動圈式換能器 16
2.4.2 電-機-聲整合之類比電路 16
2.4.3 揚聲器之軸向輻射聲壓 19
2.4.4 音圈之阻抗方程式 20
2.5 實驗儀器 22
2.5.1 個人電腦及MATLAB 22
2.5.2 USB外接音效卡 22
2.5.3 KLIPPEL電聲量測系統 22
2.5.4 雷射位移計 23
2.5.5 CLIO電聲量測系統 24
2.5.6 G.R.A.S 1/2”自由聲場麥克風 24
2.5.7 無響室 24
2.5.8 PCB 1/2”自由聲場麥克風 25
2.5.9 資料擷取卡 25
2.5.10 動態訊號分析軟體FLEXDSA 26
2.5.11 電子斑點干涉術 26
第三章 揚聲器電阻抗量測系統開發 43
3.1. 量測原理 43
3.1.1. 硬體架設 43
3.1.2. 電阻抗量測及計算 44
3.1.3. 電阻抗之相位計算 44
3.2. 電阻抗量測演算法 46
3.2.1. 即時法 46
3.2.2. 掃頻法 47
3.2.3. 疊加法 49
3.2.4. 鋸齒/方波法 51
3.3. 小結 52
第四章 揚聲器電阻抗量測系統效能測試及應用 69
4.1. 揚聲器電阻抗量測系統效能測試 69
4.1.1. 量測前校正 69
4.1.2. 由阻抗曲線自動搜尋共振頻之演算法 69
4.1.3. 量測系統穩定性測試及效能比較 70
4.1.4. 小結 71
4.2. 揚聲器電阻抗量測系統應用於耳機音膜測試 72
4.2.1. 量測治具之設計 72
4.2.2. 測試未安裝音膜之阻抗曲線及共振頻 73
4.2.3. 測試安裝同一片音膜之阻抗曲線及共振頻 74
4.2.4. 測試安裝同一批不同片音膜之阻抗曲線及共振頻 74
4.2.5. 小頻段之量測 74
4.2.6. 數據討論 75
4.2.7. 小結 77
第五章 揚聲器振膜動態位移量測與分析系統開發及應用於量測TS參數 123
5.1. 使用KLIPPEL量測揚聲器振膜位移轉移函數 123
5.2. 揚聲器振膜位移轉移函數量測系統之開發 124
5.2.1. 實驗架設 124
5.2.2. 掃頻法 124
5.2.3. 疊加法 125
5.2.4. 鋸齒波/方波法 126
5.2.5. 小結 126
5.3. 揚聲器振膜振動暫態分析系統之開發 127
5.3.1. 量測暫態訊號 127
5.3.2. 分析暫態訊號 128
5.3.3. 分析結果 131
5.3.4. 利用分析結果修正位移轉移函數 131
5.3.5. 小結 132
5.4. 線性TS參數之決定 133
5.4.1. 電參數及品質因子 133
5.4.2. BL值 134
5.4.3. 機械參數及其他參數 135
5.4.4. 計算結果 136
5.4.5. 小結 137
第六章 揚聲器聲壓位準量測系統開發 169
6.1. 使用CLIO量測揚聲器之聲壓位準 169
6.2. 揚聲器聲壓位準量測系統之開發 170
6.2.1. 掃頻法 170
6.2.2. 疊加法 172
6.2.3. 結果比較 173
6.2.4. 小結 174
6.3. 以電-機量測模擬揚聲器聲學表現 174
6.3.1. 以揚聲器振膜位移模擬揚聲器聲壓位準 174
6.3.2. 以TS參數模擬聲壓位準 176
6.3.3. 小結 176
6.4. 使用ESPI量測揚聲器振膜模態形狀 176
6.4.1. 實驗架設 177
6.4.2. 實驗結果 177
6.4.3. 小結 179
第七章 結論與未來展望 227
7.1 結論 227
7.2 未來展望 229
參考文獻 231
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