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研究生(外文):Meng-Syuan Dai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Composite Dual Chamber Piezoelectric Micropump
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Kan Ma
外文關鍵詞:dual chambernovel chamberscrew thread-like groovepulsed mixing
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本研究設計一新型雙腔體壓電泵並分析其效能。雙腔體壓電泵結構包含兩平行之腔體並在中間放置壓電致動器,無論壓電致動器向上或是向下擺動,皆會在兩腔體內同時產生一對吸入模式與排出模式,並設計一新型腔體結構使腔體內部流場集中達到更好的工作表現。為了瞭解雙腔體設計的效益以及新型腔體結構相對於傳統平面腔體的改善效果,將以實驗量測單位時間流量以及背壓忍受度並探討之。實驗結果顯示雙腔體泵之最大流量以及最大流量下的背壓忍受度皆為單腔體泵的兩倍以上,新型腔體結構使最大流量從401.2 mL/min提升至514.7 mL/min,而使背壓忍受度從5.88 kPa增加至7.14 kPa。本研究亦探討了雙腔體泵的濃度混合表現。為了找出最佳混合效果,在不同雷諾數下(Reynolds number)以及不同壓電致動器操作頻率下找尋最佳參數。為了更進一步使出水口流場造成擾動,在出水口壁面設計一螺紋凹槽結構。實驗結果顯示,利用螺紋凹槽結構的出水口在雷諾數為400與壓電致動器操作頻率為145 Hz時達到最佳化混合。
A novel composite dual chamber piezoelectric micropump is designed and analyzed. The structure of novel micropump consists of two chambers which are arranged in parallel and an piezoelectric actuator located between the chambers. No matter what the actuator moves upward or downward, it will produce a pair of supply mode and pump mode simultaneously in the dual chamber. An innovative chamber structure is designed in order to concentrate the flow field for better pumping performance. To understand the effect of dual chamber piezoelectric micropump and the new design of chamber structure comparing to the traditional plane chamber, the flow rate and back pressure tolerance are tested experimentally in this study. The results show that the maximum flow rate and back pressure tolerance in the dual chamber pump are twice as large as in the single chamber pump. The new structure in the chambers enhance the maximum flow rate from 401.2 mL/min to 514.7 mL/min and also make the back pressure tolerance increase from 5.88 kPa to 7.14 kPa. In addition, mixing efficiency of dual chamber pump is discussed in this study. To achieve the optimal mixing, different Reynolds number (Re) and working frequency of piezoelectric actuator are tested experimentally to find the optimal parameter. In order to create more disturbance of flow field, a screw thread-like groove is designed at the outlet channel wall. The results show that an optimal mixing is attained under condition of Re equals 400 with screw thread-like groove at the outlet channel wall and actuator working frequency equals 145 Hz.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 IV
符號說明 VII
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 泵與微型泵簡介 2
1.2.1 泵 2
1.2.2 微型泵 3
1.3 壓電泵與微混合器簡介 4
1.3.1 壓電泵 4
1.3.2 微混合器 5
1.4 文獻回顧 6
1.4.1 微型泵 6
1.4.2 微混合器 11
1.5 研究動機與目的 14
1.6 研究流程 15
第二章 設計與原理 16
2.1 雙腔體壓電泵浦設計 16
2.1.1 壓電泵之結構 16
2.1.2 腔體設計 17
2.1.3 壓電致動器 17
2.1.4 混合流道 18
2.2 工作原理 18
2.3 理論分析 19
2.3.1 壓電耦合效應 19
2.3.2 彎矩理論 22
2.3.3 濃度量化 24
第三章 實驗架構與方法 25
3.1 實驗參數 25
3.1.1 不同結構之腔體 25
3.1.2 不同結構之出水口 25
3.2 實驗器材 25
3.3 實驗架構 27
3.4 實驗流程與操作參數 28
3.4.1 雙腔體壓電泵組裝 28
3.4.2 流量實驗 28
3.4.3 揚程實驗 30
3.4.4 濃度量化實驗 30
3.4.5 擴散係數實驗 31
3.4.6 混合實驗 32
第四章 結果與討論 34
4.1 不同結構之壓電泵流量表現 34
4.2 背壓忍受度比較 36
4.3 不同操作參數下之混合效果分析 37
第五章 結論與建議 39
5.1 結論 39
5.2 建議 40
參考文獻 41
附圖 45
附表 99
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