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研究生(外文):Chia-Hsing Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Study of a Radial-flow Multiple Magnetically Coupled Fan System with One Piezoelectric Actuator
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Kan Ma
外文關鍵詞:Piezoelectric fanmagnetically coupledradial flowthermal performance
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九組不同尺寸設計的系統將會透過比較熱阻、熱阻改善率、無因次熱對流係數增強比、雷諾數、理查遜數等參數,以找出散熱能力最強的設計。此外,本研究定義了性能係數(Coefficient of Performance)來評估散熱能力與功耗之間的比率。散熱能力最佳之設計將與市售之旋轉風扇比較COP值,也會使用粒子圖像測速系統(PIV),進一步瞭解周圍流場表現。
實驗結果表明,設計E因同時具有較大的共振頻率和振幅而有著最佳的散熱能力。其熱阻與熱阻改善率在35 W之熱通量下分別為0.86 K / W和36.9 %,並且可將自然對流下之熱對流係數提升兩倍,而COP約為傳統旋轉風扇的3.5倍。比起傳統旋轉風扇,徑向流式出風多重壓電磁力連動風扇系統更能節能地散熱。
With manufacturing process advancements, the size of electronic devices keeps shrinking, which results in a higher heat flux. To maintain a desirable lifetime and good performance for electronic devices, it is necessary to maintain the operating temperature below a certain threshold. Traditional cooling techniques might be unsuitable for next generation electronic devices. Therefore, innovative cooling techniques must be developed.
Piezoelectric fans and their feasibility of cooling electronic devices have been widely studied. However, there are few studies that address using a single piezoelectric actuator to generate radial air flow. In this study, a radial-flow multiple fan system was developed.
This system only used one piezoelectric actuator and a magnetic repulsive force to activate up to 20 fans, which featured low power consumption and a large cooling area. To find the optimal design for the RMFS, the influence of some geometric parameters was investigated. Besides, the performance of different designs was compared with commercially available axial fan.
The results showed that the design E had the best thermal performance among the designs because of its relatively large frequency and amplitude. The thermal resistance and the percentage improvement under a 35 W heat flux were 0.86 K/W and 36.9 %, respectively. In addition, a coefficient of performance (COP) was defined. The COP of design E was approximately 3.5 times that of the rotary fan. For the power consumption aspect, the RMFS is more efficient than the rotary fan.
口試委員會審定書 I
致謝 II
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
符號說明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1被動式散熱技術 1
1.1.2主動式散熱技術 2
1.1.3未來散熱技術 4
1.2文獻回顧 5
1.2.1壓電風扇 5
1.2.2多片壓電風扇 7
1.2.3多重磁力連動風扇 8
1.3研究動機 9
1.4研究目標 10
第二章 實驗架構 11
2.1徑向流式多重壓電磁力連動風扇系統 11
2.2詳細規格 11
2.3實驗儀器 13
2.4實驗設置 15
2.5實驗步驟 15
第三章 理論分析 17
3.1共振頻率 17
3.2擺動振幅 18
3.3散熱能力 18
3.4無因次參數 19
第四章 結果與討論 21
4.1徑向流式多重壓電磁力連動風扇系統規格 21
4.1.1共振頻率與平均振幅 21
4.1.2消耗功率 22
4.1.3相位角 22
4.2散熱能力 23
4.2.1熱阻與熱阻改善率 23
4.2.2不同設計之雷諾數與熱對流係數增強比 23
4.2.3不同設計之理查遜數 24
4.3最佳設計之性能 25
4.3.1溫降曲線 25
4.3.2與市售旋轉風扇之比較 25
4.3.3PIV流場分析 25
第五章 結論 27
5.1研究結論 27
5.2未來展望 29
參考文獻 31
附圖 35
附表 68
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