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研究生(外文):Yen-Lin Chiou
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of structural vibration suppression using a gyroscope
指導教授(外文):Chung-Jen Lu
外文關鍵詞:gyroscopevibration suppressionEuler anglegyroscopic effect
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Urbanization attracts people to cities and results in high population density. To provide enough living space for the residents, high-rise buildings are becoming increasing popular. A high-rise building suffers from the sway induced by wind and seismic activities and should be equipped with vibration suppression devices. Due to the gyroscopic effect, a high speed gyroscope can provide a strong reacting moment to resist the change of rotation direction due to external disturbances. As a consequence, a high speed gyroscope has the potential to be an effective device for the suppression of structure vibrations. This thesis aims to evaluate the ability of a gyroscope for structural vibration suppression.
The gyroscope stands vertically in the undisturbed configuration, which coincides with the singular point of the conventional 3-2-3 Euler angles. To avoid this singularity, the 1-2-3 Euler angles are used to describe the configuration of the gyroscope. We first derive the transformation between these two sets of Euler angles and then discuss the effects of spin speed on the behavior of the gyroscope.
This thesis discusses two simple structural models: one is a single floor model which is restricted to move in the horizontal plane; the other is a two-floor model which incorporates the bending deformation effects of a real structure. Lagrange equations are used to derive the governing equations of the structure-gyroscope system. The response of the structure with and without the gyroscope under impulsive and sinusoidal base excitations are determined via numerical integration. In this case, the effects of the spin rate of the gyroscope on the structure vibrations are investigated thoroughly.
口試委員審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3論文架構 3
第二章 理論分析 4
2.1 陀螺 4
2.1.1 3-2-3尤拉角 5
2.1.2陀螺運動方程式 7
2.1.3陀螺運動情形概述 7
2.1.4 1-2-3尤拉角 11
2.1.5尤拉角的轉換 14
2.2 模型1:單層模型 16
2.2.1系統運動方程式 16
2.2.2 驗證運動方程式 18
2.3模型2:雙層模型 19
2.3.1系統運動方程式 20
2.4 無因次化參數 22
2.4.1 單層模型無因次化參數 22
2.4.2 雙層模型無因次化參數 23
第三章 數值分析 26
3.1陀螺數值分析 26
3.1.1尤拉角轉換驗證 26
3.1.2三種陀螺運動 28
3.1.3陀螺運動特性 30
3.1.4 自旋角速度與對稱軸角速度的差異 38
3.2 單層模型減振分析 40
3.2.1 脈衝激振分析 40
3.2.2 簡諧激振分析 50
3.3 雙層模型減振分析 55
3.3.1 脈衝激振分析 56
3.3.2 簡諧激振分析 64
第四章 結論 71
參考文獻 72
附錄 74
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