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研究生(外文):Cheng-Wei Huang
論文名稱(外文):Long-range stable-equilibrium grouping of gold nanoparticles irradiated by Gaussian beam
指導教授(外文):Mao-Kuen KuoJiunn-Woei Liaw
外文關鍵詞:Gaussian beamgradient forceoff-focal plane1D linear array patterns2D patternstrimerpentamerlong-range interaction
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本文以線性極化之高斯光束(Gaussian beam)照射多顆金奈米粒子,使粒子產生表面電漿共振(surface plasmon resonance;SPR),以多重中心展開法(multiple-multipole expansions method)計算電磁場,並透過Maxwell應力張量計算粒子所受光力,去探討金奈米粒子群以一維及二維形式排列產生遠距離穩定平衡之情形。
本研究發現金奈米粒子在高斯光束照射下,所產生之梯度力其作用最顯著之處並非在光束焦平面(focal plane),而是在遠離焦平面近光束上游處,其作用大於在同一焦平面上縮小帶寬之結果,並發現一維直線排列之結構其最短穩定距離所在光束平面,穩定距離為水中波長整數倍再略短,且其值相較於先前平面波結果更短,但因光束帶寬範圍限制,產生線性排列之金球顆數有限。
Using a linearly polarized (LP) Gaussian beam induced gold nanoparticles (GNPs) with stable equilibrium, fabricate 1D line array, The numerical results of MMP illustrate that the ordered 2D patterns of trimer, tetramer and pentamer of multiple GNPs of r= 100 nm can be produced in water at the off-focal plane of Gaussian beam of 800 nm, besides 1D linear array. We find that the gradient force of Gaussian beam at off-focal plane is stronger than shrinking down beam waist directly.
In 1D line array part, the stable-equilibrium distances between gold nanoparticles are closer than plane wave case but still about a wavelength. However, the quantity of GNPs are limited by the range of beam waist. The 2D stable-equilibrium patterns consisting of multiple GNPs with gaps of a wavelength could be induced by linearly polarized Gaussian beam at off-focal plane, besides the 1D array patterns. These stable-equilibrium patterns with gaps, close to a wavelength, are due to the long-range interaction of light with GNPs. Because of the gradient force of Gaussian beam as well as the optical binding force between each GNP and depend on the wavelength and waist. The orientations of these patterns are dependent on the light’s polarization. In contrast, a plane wave can only produce 1D linear array patterns, rather than the ordered 2D cluster patterns.
口試委員會審定書 i
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 1
第1章 緒論 3
1.1 前言 3
1.2 文獻回顧 5
1.3 本文內容 6
第2章 電磁理論與數值方法 8
2.1 高斯光束(Gaussain Beam) [34] 8
2.2 Maxwell應力張量相關電磁理論 9
第3章 高斯光束下奈米粒子之遠距離平衡 11
3.1 一維遠距離平衡與作用 13
3.1.1 雙顆金球直線排列 13
3.1.2 三顆金球直線排列 17
3.1.3 四顆金球直線排列 21
3.2 二維遠距離平衡與作用 24
3.2.1 三顆金球三角形排列 25
3.2.2 四顆金球平面排列 37
3.2.3 五顆金球平面排列 40
第4章 結論與未來展望 45
參考文獻 47
附錄 MMP擺點 51
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