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研究生(外文):Ting-Yueh Chang
論文名稱(外文):Stability of Couette-Poiseuille flow in superimposed fluid-porous domain
指導教授(外文):Falin Chen
口試委員(外文):Min-Hsing ChangChih-Ang Chung
外文關鍵詞:stabilitylinear analysisCouettePoiseuilleporous medium
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This paper performs a linear stability analysis to investigate the stability of plane Couette-Poiseuille flow in a two-layer system. There is fluid layer overlying a porous layer saturated with the same fluid. The effect of superimposed Couette flow on the associated Poiseuille flow in such a two-layer system is explored carefully. The result shows that the presence of Couette flow would destabilize the Poiseuille flow with a small value of depth ratio, which is defined by the ratio of the depth of fluid layer to the depth of porous layer, and induce a tri-modal neutral curves. At moderate value of depth ratio, the Couette component generally produces a stabilization effect on the flow. When the velocity of the upper moving wall is large enough, a bi-modal neutral curve appears and a shift of instability mode occurs from the long-wave fluid-layer mode to the porous-layer mode with higher wavenumber. These stability characteristics are remarkably different from those of the plane Couette-Poiseuille flow in a single fluid layer that the flow becomes absolutely stable when the wall velocity is over 70% of the maximum velocity of the Poiseuille component of flow. The stability of pure Couette flow in such a two-layer system is also studied. It is found that the flow is still absolutely stable with respect to infinitesimal disturbances, which is as same as the stability characteristic of single fluid layer plane Couette flow.
致謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
符號說明 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究動機 4
1.4 研究方法 5
第二章 線性穩定性分析 6
2.1 問題描述 6
2.2 統御方程式 6
2.3 邊界條件 7
2.4 穩定基態解 7
2.5 無因次化之統御方程式 10
2.6 線性擾動方程式 10
2.7 正規模態展開 11
2.8 Squire’s theorem 12
2.9 特徵函數 13
2.10 純Couette流場之推導 14
第三章 數值方法 18
3.1 Chebyshev tau數值方法 18
3.2 數值方法的收斂性 21
3.3 中性穩定曲線 21
3.4 驗證程式 22
第四章 結果與討論 26
4.1 厚度比與速度比對穩定基態解之影響 26
4.2 厚度比與速度比對中性穩定曲線之影響 27
4.3 不穩定發生時的流動特徵 32
4.4 純Couette流場的穩定性分析 36
第五章 結論與未來展望 38
5.1 結論 38
5.2 未來展望 39
參考文獻 40
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