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研究生(外文):Hao-Yang Lu
論文名稱(外文):Impacts of the Climate Change and Development on the Water Quality of Ugii Nuur Lake in Mongolia
外文關鍵詞:climate changeriver basin developmentUgii LakeCE-QUAL-W2 modelgeneral circulation models (GCMs)total dissolved solids (TDS)
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此研究主要的目的是評估氣候變遷和地區性的發展對Ugii湖水水質所造成的影響。從2015及2016兩年現場水質監測資料及歷史資料分析可得結論為(1)Ugii湖在夏天有明顯的分層現象,(2)Ugii湖有明顯的高總溶解性固體濃度的特性。利用CE-QUAL-W2模式模擬未來大氣變遷RCP4.5情境和RCP 8.5情境所得結果之結論為(1)Ugii湖的總溶解性固體濃度在未來將會持續提升,(2)氣候變遷,確實顯著的影響Ugii湖中溶解性固體濃度的惡化程度。此模擬的結果應能提供給蒙古地區水資源管理當局在管理Ugii湖水質時做為參考。
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impacts of the climate change and development in the vicinity area on the water quality of Ugii Lake in Mongolia. On-site monitoring data in 2015 and in 2016 were adopted to assess the status of Ugii Lake. The results of model simulation by using CE-QUAL-W2 water quality model was adopted to reveal the problems of Ugii Lake that may occur in the future, while forecast of meteorological data was generated by HadGEM2-ES model, one of the general circulation models (GCMs), under RCP 4.5 scenario and under RCP 8.5 scenario, respectively. Based on the on-site monitoring data it is found that there are (a) clear stratification in Ugii Lake in the summer, and (b) increase of total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration in the last decade. Results of simulation by using CE-QUAL-W2 model reveal that (a) Ugii Lake would experience significant increase of TDS in the future, and (b) climate change could accelerate the deterioration of water quality. The results of this study can be provided to the local water resource management authorities as a basis for Ugii Lake management.
誌謝 I
摘要 III
Abstract IV
Table of Contents V
List of Figures X
List of Tables XV
1. Introduction 1
1.1 General Background 1
1.2 Research Purpose 3
2. Background and Theories 5
2.1 Climate Change 5
2.1.1 Impact of Climate Change on Water Quality 11
2.1.2 Climate Change in Mongolia 12
2.2 Impact of Economic Development on Water Resource in Mongolia 14
2.2.1 Urbanization 14
2.2.2 Mining Industry 15
2.2.3 Agriculture 16
2.2.4 Tourism 17
2.3 Thermal Stratification 19
2.3.1 Introduction of the Thermal Stratification 19
2.3.2 Effect of Thermal Stratification on Lake 20
2.4 Eutrophication 21
2.4.1 Trophic State Index (TSI) 22
2.5 Water Quality Model 24
2.5.1 History 24
2.5.2 Selection of the Model 25
2.5.3 CE-QUAL-W2 Model 26
2.6 Inflow Water Temperature Model 27
2.6.1 Deterministic Models 28
2.6.2 Stochastic/Statistical Models 30
3. Materials and Methods 33
3.1 Research Framework 33
3.2 Study Site 33
3.2.1 Lake Overview 34
3.3 Data Collection and Sample Analysis 39
3.3.1 Lake Background Information 41
3.3.2 Lake Meteorological Data 41
3.3.3 Lake Flow Data 41
3.3.4 Lake Water Quality Data 45
3.4 Establishment of Water Quality Model 47
3.4.1 Equations Used in the Model 47
3.4.2 Setting of Input File of Model 53
3.4.3 Setting of Bathymetry File of Model 55
3.5 Generation of the Meteorological Data by GCMs 57
3.6 Establishment of Inflow Water Temperature Data 59
3.7 Conversion of TDS Concentration and Conductivity 60
4. Results and Discussions 61
4.1 Data Analysis of Field Monitoring 61
4.2 Generation of the Forecasting Data of Inflow Water Temperature 63
4.3 Generation of the Data of Daily Inflow Rate 64
4.3.1 Estimation of Daily Evaporation Rate 65
4.3.2 Estimation of Daily Inflow Rate 66
4.4 Calibration and Verification of CE-QUAL-W2 Model 67
4.4.1 Setting of Parameters in CE-QUAL-W2 67
4.4.2 Simulation of Water Surface Elevation 69
4.4.3 Simulation of Water Quality 70
4.5 Meteorological Forecasting GCMs 75
4.5.1 Evaluation of GCMs 75
4.5.2 Data Analysis of Meteorological Forecasting GCMs 76
4.6 Establishment of Predictable Water Quality Model 80
4.6.1 Forecast of Water Surface Elevation 80
4.6.2 Application of the Water Quality Model 82
5. Conclusions 86
5.1 Findings 86
5.2 Recommendations for the Future Research 88
Reference 90
Appendix A- Governing Equation 95
Appendix B- Material Transport Equation 97
Appendix C- Hydraulic Diffusion Equation 98
Appendix D- Equation of Heat Exchange 99
Appendix E- Rate Equation for Phosphorus 101
Appendix F- Rate Equation for Ammonium 103
Appendix G- Rate Equation for Nitrate-Nitrite 105
Appendix H- Rate Equation for Each Algal Group 106
Appendix I- Rate Equation for Dissolved Oxygen 107
Appendix J- Values of Model Parameters 109
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