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研究生(外文):Wan-Yu Lee
論文名稱(外文):Urban Transportation Switching Model and Benefit Assessment-A Case Study for Motorcycle to Bicycle in Taipei
指導教授(外文):Hwong-Wen Ma
中文關鍵詞:Agent-Based Model (ABM)運具移轉模式運具選擇效益評估
外文關鍵詞:Agent-Based Model (ABM)Switching modelMode choiceBenefit Evaluation
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本研究建立運具移轉效益評估方法,由Agent-Based Model (ABM)為建構模式基礎模擬其運具移轉行為;在都市的空間尺度之下,透過移轉成本(switching csot)作為誘因並以旅行成本和旅行時間作為影響參數,以臺北市作為研究邊界,對象為機車移轉至使用自行車。在模擬條件:以100位個體(agents)而言,為臺北市機車、自行車市占率設定初始值,機車83輛、自行車17輛;移轉成本為時間價值乘上騎乘距離,其中時間價值設定上下限並依個體變化。模擬結果有二:其一機車減至80輛,自行車增至20輛,移轉率為3.6%;其二為機車減至79輛,自行車增至21輛,移轉率為4.8%,移轉成本皆為3,348元,其平均時間價值為3.03元/分鐘。
Nowadays, the phenomenon of urbanization in the world leads to a high concentration of population, and excessive use of private transports, especially congestion and air pollution caused by motorcycles and cars. It’s not only endangering human health, but affecting energy consumption, lifestyles and the environmental quality. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable development in urban transport, route planning should be rethought.
This study focused on setting up a transport switching model to simulate transport behavior, which is based on an Agent-based model (ABM). Furthermore, evaluated the benefits including human health, air quality, resources and energy consumption with lifecycle thinking.
Under the city scale, through considering the travel time and travel cost as the influencing parameters, and switching cost is for incentive to the transport mechanism, and motorcycles and bicycles as transfer objects.
In the case of 100 agents, the initial occupancy of number between motorcycles and bicycles, which are 83 motorcycles and 17 bicycles in Taipei. The switching cost depends on the value of time(VOT), multiplied by the riding distance.
The simulation results are two: The first one, the switching rate is 3.6%, which means motorcycles is reduced to 80, the number of bicycles is increased to 20.Based on the data of motorcycles'' average riding distance 3,120km we can calculate the switching cost is NTD664,400,426,and compared can be reduced the cost of environmental pollution is NTD12,238,701,883, the cost of human health damage is NTD132,812,342.The second one, the switching rate is 4.8%, which means motorcycles is reduced to 79, the number of bicycles is increased to 21. We also can calculate the switching cost is NTD885,854,315, and compared can be reduced the cost of environmental pollution is NTD16,318,031,184, the cost of human health damage is NTD177,080,540. Apparently, the value of switching cost is only less than half the cost of environmental pollution and human health damage, then slow down the consumption of limited resources,
Overall, there will be positive and effective achievements by using switching cost, which helps shift motorcyclists to bicyclists, and this study can be provided for follow-up researches or government policies.
致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
1.3 研究架構與範圍 6
1.4 主要創新與貢獻 8
第二章、 文獻回顧 10
2.1 運具移轉模式理論 10
2.1.1 個體選擇(Individual Choice Model) 11
2.1.2 有限理性(Bounded Rationality) 13
2.1.3 Agent-Based Model (ABM) 14
2.2 運具移轉模式影響因子 18
2.2.1 都市自行車路網 18
2.2.2 歐洲10國與自行車使用率比較 23
2.2.3 自行車與機車之旅次特性 24
2.2.4 自行車與機車之旅行成本和旅行時間 28
2.3 效益評估 29
2.3.1 生命週期思維(Life cycle thinking, LCT)探討效益評估 29
2.3.2 汽柴油機動車輛產生之空氣污染 33
2.3.3 人體健康 38
2.3.4 能源使用 43
第三章、 研究方法 46
3.1 研究流程 46
3.2 研究步驟 47
3.2.1 建立交通運具移轉模式 47
3.2.2 移轉效益評估之構建 55
3.2.3 案例示範 58
第四章、 結果與討論 61
4.1 運具移轉模式之構建結果 61
4.2 移轉效益評估之建構結果 68
4.3 案例示範結果 69
4.3.1 情境模擬移轉對空氣污染物排放量影響 69
4.3.2 情境模擬移轉成本支出與其移轉效益之衡量 71
第五章、 結論與建議 73
5.1 結論 73
5.2 建議 74
參考資料 75
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