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研究生(外文):Jun-Kai Lin
論文名稱(外文):Lead release resulting from galvanic corrosion in the three-metal system of lead, copper and stainless steel in drinking water
指導教授(外文):Yi-Pin Lin
外文關鍵詞:leadstainless steelcoppergalvanic corrosion
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 世界各國在1980年代就開始禁止於自來水管網當中使用鉛管,自來水主管機關著手開始更換這些位於公共區域的老舊鉛管,但是那些位於私人區域的鉛管,卻因為更換管線經費的限制,或是老舊管線存在於較難更換的地方因此仍然存在。在此“部分替換”的情況,鉛管會與其他金屬材質(例如銅或不鏽鋼)製成的的管材接觸,因而產生電偶腐蝕而導致更嚴重的鉛污染。此外,考慮自來水系統中各種金屬接頭或閥的使用,鉛管可能有在其兩端都有電偶腐蝕的連接處。本研究的目的為探討在鉛(Pb)、銅(Cu)和不鏽鋼(SS)三種不同金屬的系統下,Pb-SS-Cu、Pb-Cu-SS和SS-Pb-Cu這三種不同的連接下鉛的釋出量。結果顯示在有著相反向內(e- e-)電子傳遞之Pb-SS-Cu,有著最低的鉛釋出量,次高為有著相反向外(e- e-)電子傳遞的SS-Pb-Cu,最高為有著流暢電子傳遞方向(e- e-)的Pb-Cu-SS。藉由量測這些不同排序中金屬之間的電流,可以提供部分證據,支持實驗觀察到的鉛釋出情況。
Lead pipe has been banned in the drinking water distribution system in most countries since 1980s. Water authorities have tried to replace old lead pipes in the public area but those belong to private properties remain intact due to high cost and difficulties to access these pipelines. In such partial replacement, galvanic corrosion could occur and result in more serious lead release due to the connection of lead and other metals such as copper and stainless steel. Moreover, lead pipe may have more than one galvanic connections due to the various metal plumbing materials used in the premise plumbing system. The release of lead resulting from galvanic corrosion in the three-metal system consisting of lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and stainless steel (SS) with three different configurations, namely Pb-SS-Cu, Pb-Cu-SS and SS-Pb-Cu was investigated in this study. The results show that the lead release in the Pb-SS-Cu configuration with opposite directions of electron transport (e- e-) was the lowest, followed by SS-Pb-Cu (e- e-) and Pb-Cu-SS with fluent electron transport (e- e-). The galvanic currents measured for each configuration provide some evidences to support the lead releases observed for each condition.
Table of Content
摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Content III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research objectives 2
Chapter 2 Literature review 3
2.1 Health effect of lead and drinking water standard of lead 3
2.2 Lead in drinking water 5
2.3 Partial replacement of lead service line 6
2.4 Galvanic corrosion of lead in drinking water 8
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods 10
3.1 Material and chemicals 10
3.2 Experimental setup 12
3.3 Analytical method 17
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 18
4.1 Effects of different pipe configurations on the release of lead and copper 18
4.2 Lead release in different pipe configurations verse time 31
4.3 Galvanic current 34
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 38
5.1 Conclusions 38
5.2 Recommendation for future study 39
Chapter 6 Reference 40
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