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研究生(外文):Yu Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Production of bio-oil by hydrocracking of tung oil in continuous catalyst bed system
外文關鍵詞:Tung oilcatalyst crackinghydrocrackingMo2Cbio-fuel
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結果顯示,溫度723 K、氫氣流量250 sccm、氫氣分壓50 psig、觸媒量25 g為最適之操作條件。其產製之生質油品於碘價、熱值、氧含量皆可達到目標油品之品質,產率還能維持在50 vol%以上;不能達到標準的酸價、密度、氫含量也與標準相差不多;且碳數分布與航空用油接近。於GC-MS分析中偵測出豐富的直鏈狀烷類。上述結果證實鉬基碳化物觸媒為有效之氫化反應觸媒。
In order to solve for the problems of lack of energy and the disasters by climate change, the bio-fuel has recently become a notable renewable energy. This study synthesized the Mo2C/γ-Al2O3 catalyst and applied it for the hydro-cracking of tung oil via the continuous flow process to produce the bio-fuel which could substitute the aviation fuel.
The hydro-cracking was carried out in a fixed catalytic bed. Key system variables were examined to find out the proper operating conditions. These included cracking temperature (TC), flow rate of hydrogen (QG), pressure of hydrogen (PH2), and amount of catalyst (mC). Comparison of using working gases of H2 and N2 was made to elucidate the role of H2. Properties of product of bio-fuel measured included acid value (AV), iodine value (IV), density (ρLO), heating value (HV), contents of hydrogen (MH) and oxygen (MO), and distribution of carbon numbers.
Following the sequence of testing on TC, QG, pH2, and mC, the proper operation conditions were determined as 723 K, 250 sccm, 50 psig, and 25 g, respectively. The IV, HV, and MO of bio-fuel thus produced were satisfied with those of standards of aviation fuel Jet A-1. The AV, ρLO, and MH of bio-fuel could not meet the standards of Jet A-1, however, with small differences only. These small deficits can be resolved by blending an acceptable portion of bio-fuel with the Jet A-1. The distribution of carbon numbers of bio-fuel was close to that of Jet A-1. Further, the results of GC-MS analysis showed the bio-fuel was rich in linear alkanes, supporting that the catalytic hydro-cracking is effective.
口試委員審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
符號說明 xvii
英文縮寫 xviii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究內容及目的 3
1.3預期效益 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1.燃料油性質與標準 4
2.1.1燃料油常見之性質 4
2.1.2我國生質柴油之規範 6
2.1.3航空燃油 6
2.2桐油 6
2.2.1背景 6
2.2.2基本性質 7
2.3生質柴油常見製作方法 8
2.4石化工業 16
2.4.1氫化 17
2.4.2裂解 21
2.4.3氫化裂解 21
2.4.4氫化裂解觸媒 22
2.4.5反應器 24
第三章 研究方法 26
3.1研究架構 26
3.2研究設備與藥品 28
3.2.1實驗材料 28
3.2.2實驗藥品 28
3.2.3實驗用氣體 28
3.2.4實驗液體標準品 28
3.2.5觸媒合成設備 28
3.2.6氫化裂解反應設備 29
3.2.7觸媒特性分析儀器 29
3.2.8產物分析儀器 30
3.3實驗方法與步驟 31
3.3.1觸媒製備方法 31
3.3.2氫化裂解實驗 32
3.4分析項目及方法 34
3.4.1原料油品基本性質分析 34
3.4.2液體產物性質分析 34
3.4.3氣體產物分析 41
第四章 結果與討論 45
4.1原物料基本性質分析 45
4.1.1原物料之基本性質 45
4.1.2原物料組成成分分析 46
4.1.3熱重分析 47
4.2觸媒性質分析 47
4.2.1基本物理性質 47
4.2.2組成成分分析 53
4.3油品觸媒氫化裂解 57
4.3.1溫度之影響 57
4.3.2理論用氫量及氫氣流量之影響 68
4.3.3氫氣分壓之影響 76
4.3.4空間流速之影響 86
4.4直接裂解 91
4.5不同觸媒之比較 102
第五章 結論與建議 109
5.1結論 109
5.2建議 110
參考文獻 111
附錄A GC-MS結果 116
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