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研究生(外文):Chien-Chih, Tung
論文名稱(外文):The clinical impact of endoscopic ultrasonography with fine needle aspiration in the management of pancreatic cystic tumors
外文關鍵詞:Pancreatic cystic tumorsCross-sectional imagingEndoscopic ultrasoundClinical guidelinesDiagnosis
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因此,如何做出正確的診斷讓患者得到合適的處置,如手術切除或定期追蹤,是一個重要的議題。現今,有兩個國際共識指引,國際胰臟學會(IAP, 2012)和美國胃腸醫學會(AGA, 2015),針對胰臟囊狀腫瘤提供處理流程建議。處理流程中提到非侵入性方法(如橫斷式影像掃描)和侵入性方法(內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸)的使用時機。然而,這些處理流程的建議接建立於已知病理結果的回溯性研究,其證據力相對薄弱。我們此次的研究是在評估內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸在現行指引中是否具有臨床影響力足以改變診斷及治療。
此次研究分析了119名患者,總共有130例的胰臟囊狀腫瘤。63%的病例接受過電腦斷層掃描檢查,88%的病例接受過磁振造影檢查,而全部病例皆接受內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸檢查。我們比較內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸術前診斷和內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸術後診斷,發現兩者間的一致性分別為37%(經由電腦斷層診斷)和43%(經由磁振造影診斷)。進一步分析顯示,不論接受何種影像檢查,男性患者在內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸術前診斷和內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸術後診斷具有統計上顯著的一致性(p <0.05)。此外,在接受磁振造影診斷的病患中,若有下列因子者--高BMI值、無酒精飲用史及胰管擴張(>5mm),接受內視鏡超音波併細針抽吸會得到和臨床診斷差異顯著的結果。
  As the advance in the image modalities and frequent usage of cross-sectional images, like ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), there are more and more incidental detection of pancreatic cystic tumors (PCTs) in clinical practice, usually for unrelated reasons. The prevalence of PCTs ranged from 3 to 24.3%. According to the previous studies, these PCTs could be categorized into non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Subclassifications of neoplastic PCTs have the different potential to become malignant, from almost 0% to over 60%. Currently, the standard treatment of PCTs is surgery. However, the morbidity and mortality of surgery are relatively high.
Thus, how to make a right decision to provide patients the adequate management, either follow-up or surgery, is an important issue. Nowadays, there are two international consensus guidelines, 2012 International Association of Pancreatology (IAP) and the 2015 American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) guidelines, for management of PCTs. Non-invasive methods (such as cross-sectional images) and invasive methods (endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration, EUS-FNA) are offered in the algorithm. However, these guidelines are based on the retrospective studies with pathology-proven results. The level of evidence is low. Our study is going to evaluate the clinical impact of EUS-FNA that could change the diagnosis and decision makig in current guidelines.
Methods and materials:
We retrospectively reviewed the patients in national Taiwan university hospital who had received both non-invasive image studies and EUS-FNA from Aug. 2009 to Dec. 2015. The baseline demographic data were collected from the electrical medical record. Images of CT and MRI were reviewed by one radiologist. Pre-EUS diagnosis was defined according to the results of CT or MRI. Post-EUS diagnosis was defined according to the pathology (with surgery) or results from EUS-FNA (combined cytology and fluid analysis).
One hundred and nineteen patients with 130 PCTs were analyzed. 63% of the PCTs were evaluated by CT scan, 88% of the PCTs were evaluated by MRI, and all the PCTs were evaluated by EUS-FNA. The pre-EUS diagnosis made by CT or MRI has 37% or 43% consistency to post-EUS diagnosis, respectively. Further analysis revealed that only male has clinical significancy (p<0.05) in both CT and MRI group for consistency between pre-EUS diagnosis and post-EUS diagnosis. Moreover, BMI level, history of alcohol consumption, and dilated P-duct (>5mm) in image are other significant variables (p<0.05) in MRI group for diagnositic consistency.
EUS-FNA provides more information than other cross-sectional images and has impacts on the diagnosis of PCTs. Patiens with female gender, higher BMI level, no history of alcohol usage and dilated P-duct in MRI study would be recommended to receive EUS-FNA for further differential diagnosis and treatment plan.
口試委員會審定書……………………………………………………………… I
中文摘要………………………………………………………………………… II
英文摘要………………………………………………………………………… IV
一、緒論 (INTRODUCTION)….……………………………………………….. P.1
二、研究方法與材料 (METHOD and MATERIAL)………………………... P.4
三、結果 (RESULT)…………………………………….……………………… P.6
四、討論 (DISSCUSSION)…………………………………………………….. P.9
五、展望 (PROSPECTION)………………………………………………….… P.10
六、結論 (CONCLUSION)..…………………………………………………… P.11
七、參考文獻 (REFERENCE)….…………………………………………….... P.12
八、附表 (TABLES)……………………………………………...…………….. P.15
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