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研究生(外文):Fang-Ting Lu
外文關鍵詞:Biliary atresiainfant stool color cardprognosisKasai operation
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根據台灣嬰兒大便卡中心2004年初至2016年底所登錄的全國膽道閉鎖資料庫,共有423位膽道閉鎖確診病童納入研究。另外1990年至2000年於台大醫院診斷的膽道閉鎖病童共89位,定義為無使用嬰兒大便卡之世代;2004年到2008年出生之病童,使用傳統六色大便卡,共有157位;2009年到2016年出生者使用新版九色大便卡,共有266位。使用大便卡篩檢後,六十日內接受葛西手術的比例在六色大便卡世代是63.7%,九色大便卡世代為65.0%,皆高於未使用大便卡世代(49.4 %),有統計學上顯著差異。術後三個月黃疸消退率在使用大便卡兩個世代都接近六成,顯著高於先前未使用大便卡世代(34.8 %)。使用全國性大便卡篩檢後,病童的三年及五年原肝存活率分別為59.1%及58.3%,三年及五年無黃疸原肝存活率分別為55.1%及54.8%。回顧13年的研究,膽道閉鎖兒童的換肝率為31%,總存活率則為87 %。
針對兒科醫護同仁使用大便卡經驗,問卷統計顯示有96%的第一線兒科醫師認為九色大便卡有利於篩檢嬰兒膽道閉鎖與膽汁滯留症,但有15%覺得即使換成九色大便卡仍有辨色困難。針對超過六十日延遲開刀的原因分析,42 %病人肇因於缺乏完整的檢驗合併家屬對疾病徵兆的忽視。

Biliary atresia (BA) is a progressive obliterated cholangiopathy, resulting in bile flow obstruction and further biliary cirrhosis. It presents as clay color stool with persistent cholestasis in the early infancy and it is the leading cause of pediatric liver transplantation. A good outcome of the patients depends on early diagnosis and timely successful Kasai operation (hepatic porto-enterostomy). To enhance early diagnosis, the first widespread infant stool color (6-color) screening program in the world had been launched in Taiwan since 2004. A new 9-color stool card was developed in 2009 to enhance the recognition and timely diagnosis.
Study designs
In this prospective cohort study, we investigated the application and effectiveness of the new 9-color stool color card in the early diagnosis of biliary atresia and long-term outcome. We compared that with the era without using stool color card or with the original 6-color card. Besides, we also review the major causes of delay Kasai operation to promote early diagnosis rate.
Totally 423 patients of definite BA were included from the database of Infant Stool Card Registry Center of Taiwan between Jan. 2004 to Dec.2016. 157 infants born in 2004 -2008 used the original 6-color stool cards, and the other 266 infants born in 2009-2016 used the new 9-color card. We also enrolled 89 BA children who were diagnosed as BA in NTUH in 1990-2000 without using stool color card for screening. The proportion of age at Kasai procedure before 60 days in 6-colored (63.7%) and 9-colored (65.0%) was both significantly higher than those without using stool color card (49.4%) (p <0.01). Comparing 6-color or 9-color card revealed equally good screening effectiveness. Jaundice free rate (total bilirubin < 2 mg/dL) of these 2 groups were both almost 60% also significantly better than the group no use stool color cards (34.8 %). In the series of using stool color card for screening for 13 years, 3-years and 5-years native liver survival rate was 59.1% and 58.3%, and 3-years and 5-years jaundice-free native live survival rate was 55.1% and 54.8%. Overall survival rate in 5 years was 88%. In this 13-year study, overall survival rate was 87 % and the rate of liver transplantation was 31%.
Early referral, early operation, and jaundice-free at 3 months after Kasai surgery were associated with a greater predictor of native liver survival. Up to 96% of our pediatric doctor regarded stool color card as a useful screen tool for screen biliary atresia, but still 15% doctors had indeterminate result in the recognition of abnormal stool color even used current 9-colored stool card. The analysis of cause for delayed Kasai operation showed 42 % patients had cognitive insufficiency of caregiver combined with an inadequate screen of cholestasis.
Discussion and Conclusions
The early Kasai Surgery rate and jaundice free rate in children with biliary atresia had been effectively improved after the extensive promotion of the universal stool color card screening program in Taiwan, using either 6-color cards or 9-color stool cards. The overall survival and native liver survival were improved and superior. However, we still need other screen tools to assist stool color card screening program to promote the early diagnosis rate. Besides, it is also necessary to continue to promote educational programs for the awareness for biliary atresia to the family and the healthcare professionals to enhance better outcome.

Section 1 Background and Introduction 1
Background 1
Worldwide Cohorts and their outcomes 3
Study aim 5
Section 2 Materials and Methods 6
Study design 6
Infant stool color card and its registry center 6
Study population 7
Statistical analysis 7
Two different stool color cards 7
Analysis of the delay cause 8
The questionnaires for the utility of the stool color card 8
Section 3 Results 8
The annual incidence of biliary atresia 9
The rate and the age of Kasai operation 9
The rate of Kasai operation before 60-day-old 10
Jaundice-free rate at 3 months after Kasai operation 10
Jaundice-free survival with native liver, native liver survival and overall survival 10
Analysis of the Causes of Delayed Kasai Operation 11
The opinion from the pediatric staffs in using stool color card 11
Section 4 Discussion 12
The breast feeding related prolong jaundice 12
The different stool color cards in screening biliary atresia 12
Comparison for the data of ours and other countries 13
Taiwan infant stool color card registry system 14
Analysis of the Causes of Delayed diagnosis 15
The limitation of efficacy of screening with stool colors card alone 15
Section 5 Conclusion and future prospective 16
Figures 17
Tables 23
Section 6 References 28
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