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研究生(外文):Chin Ling Chu
論文名稱(外文):Corpus-based Approaches in Relation to NBA News and its Trans-editing into Chinese across the Taiwan Strait
指導教授(外文):Zhao Ming Gao
外文關鍵詞:skopossports news trans-editingcomparable corporatext analysiscultural translation
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隨著科技日新月異,全球化及「地球村」的概念已成趨勢,為了因應各國文化,翻譯在其中扮演的角色不單是幫助人們跨越語言差異,還是介紹與協調異國與本國文化的媒介。由於新聞是現代人獲取資訊的重要管道,為了讓當地人快速了解國內外重要資訊,新聞譯者必須以符合當地文化與讀者取向的方式傳達訊息,因此新聞譯者常得結合翻譯即編輯兩種技巧改寫文本,促使了「編譯」一詞的產生。進入十九世紀末期後,在媒體全球化的風潮帶動下,現代運動也跟著快速發展,兩者之間的密切關係讓運動不再只是種休閒娛樂,而是可牟利之獨立產業,同時也是建立並宣傳國家形象的手段,美國職籃〈National Basketball Association, NBA〉在全球的發展就是典型例子。
Advances in science and technology have made the world the global village and translators have become a medium of international and intercultural communication. Translation, a translational action, which always has at least one skopos that a translator aims to achieve by translation strategies, leads to a translatum finally. News is a way for people to acquire information that they want or need to know. The general skopos of new translation is to deliver foreign information that target audiences want or need to know in a way fitting in with the conventions of target cultures. Translated news texts, as a result, are often edited, rewritten, or reorganized by news translators based on target cultures. Actually, a new term trans-editing has been proposed to describe an adaptation to the needs and conventions of target cultures through the both skills of translating and editing.
The NBA, a league reflecting American sports culture, has had high popularity in both Taiwan and China since its execution of global expansion strategies and development of a closer relationship with the media. However, previous studies have shown cultural motivation for people to pay attention to the NBA was different in America, Taiwan, and China. For example, Chinese people were seriously influenced by national identity and Taiwanese people preferred the entertainment of the NBA. Similarly, every nation has its own sports culture, which might have a conflict with American sports culture. American sports culture embodying in the NBA, thus, might not be completely transferred to China and Taiwan by trans-edited NBA news. The above means differences, with the exceptions of Chinese characters and word usage, between translated NBA news texts in Traditional and Simplified Chinese could be observed. Additionally, with globalization, the demand for English-Simplified or Traditional Chinese has grown; with the development of cross-strait relation, the demand for Simplified-Traditional Chinese translation has appeared.
Hence this thesis, first, compared similarities and differences between trans-edited NBA news in Traditional and Simplified Chinese through corpus analysis, including word frequency lists generated by AntConc and the first theme selections. Then Vermeer’s skopos theory and different cultural motivation, including teamwork, community pride, national identity, team-orientation, individual performance, winning-orientation, and entertainment, were used to hypothesize the cause and effect of the similarities and differences. The log-likelihood tests of the hypotheses were conducted to verify the arguments. Finally, text analysis was applied to study text structures, including the ordering of facts and the choice of reporting information, and the different practices of name translation, both of which led to different writing styles.
The research found national identity was an important cultural motivation for Taiwanese trans-editors in the process of translating and editing and choosing the first theme. The values of team and winning, however, were the most important values for the Chinese trans-editors. Besides, the Chinese trans-editors applied the adding and theme-changing strategies to provide more game details for their readers and to emphasize the values of team and winning. The Taiwanese ones, on the other hand, applied the reducing and theme-changing strategies to emphasize the highlights of games and popular players’ performances. The Chinese trans-editors would use players’ nicknames in China without providing their translated full names and use players’ translated names without providing their original names. The both strategies successfully shortened the distance between the NBA and its Chinese fans, but led to an increase in the level of informality and subjectivity of their texts.
This thesis demonstrates that sports news translation/trans-editing as a medium of intercultural communication is actually cultural negotiation between foreign and local cultures, leading to cultural hybridization. The research results provided translation resources for NBA news translators/trans-editors in China and Taiwan for reference in the future.
Table of Contents
Verification Letter’s from the Oral Defense Committee......i
Name Conventions............................................iii
Chinese Abstract............................................iv
English Abstract............................................vi
Table of Contents...........................................ix
Lists of Figures............................................xi
Lists of Tables.............................................xii
Chapter 1 Introduction......................................1
1.1 Research Purposes.......................................3
1.2 Research Motivation.....................................4
1.3 Research Questions and Hypotheses.......................6
1.4 NBA Background Information..............................11
1.4.1 NBA’s Global Expansion Strategies....................11
1.4.2 NBA’s Development in China...........................12
1.4.3 NBA’s Development in Taiwan..........................14
1.5 Summary of Chapter 1....................................15
1.6 Outline of the Thesis...................................17
Chapter 2 Literature Review.................................19
2.1 Skopos Theory and News Translation......................19
2.2 Modern Sports Culture and Cultural Translation..........20
2.3 Discourse Analysis and Corpus-based Translation
2.4 Summary of Chapter 2....................................27
Chapter 3 Methodology.......................................30
3.1 Data Collection and Corpus Construction.................31
3.2 Chinese Word Segmentation...............................31
3.3 Frequency Lists.........................................32
3.4 Text Annotation.........................................32
3.5 Research Hypotheses and Log-likelihood Tests............36
3.6 Text Analysis...........................................39
3.7 Summary of Chapter 3....................................39
Chapter 4 Research Results..................................42
4.1 Preliminary Results of Corpus Analysis..................42
4.2 Log-likelihood Test Results of the Research Hypotheses..51
4.3 Text Analysis...........................................64
4.4 The Practice of Name Translation........................69
Chapter 5 Discussion........................................72
5.1 Summary of the Findings for the Research Questions......72
5.2 Implication and Contribution............................75
5.3 Limitations of the Research.............................77
5.4 Recommendations for Future Research.....................79
Chapter 6 Conclusion........................................82
Appendix A..................................................92
Appendix B..................................................94
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