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研究生(外文):Hsin-Mien Chen
論文名稱:根據翻譯過程中的問題提出改善電腦輔助翻譯工具訓練之建議:以SDL Trados Studio 2014為例
論文名稱(外文):Suggestions for Improvements in CAT Tool Training Based on Problems Translators Face in the Translation Process: A Case Study of SDL Trados Studio 2014
指導教授(外文):Zhao-Ming Gao
外文關鍵詞:computer-aided translation toolCAT tooltranslation trainingweb localizationTrados Studioproblem-solvingtranslation process
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電腦輔助翻譯(computer-aided translation,簡稱CAT)在翻譯產業裡的角色越來越重要。目前針對CAT工具的研究,集中在討論個別功能對於譯者認知有何影響,是否真能如期提升作業效率。尚無研究討論CAT工具的出現,對譯者實際工作過程造成哪些新的挑戰,而公司又該提供哪些訓練協助譯者克服這些挑戰。因此,本論文以目前廣為業界使用的CAT軟體SDL Trados Studio 2014為例,進行放聲思考和半結構式訪談,深入瞭解譯者使用CAT工具翻譯網頁時遇到的問題,以及解決問題的方法。十名受試者均從事廣泛使用CAT技術的本地化產業(localization),其中五位累積翻譯經驗達三年以上,為資深譯者。
針對實驗和訪談結果,本研究則透過三角檢證(triangulation),進一步提高研究結果信度。研究發現,譯者在使用CAT工具翻譯網頁時,會遇到五類技術性問題:介面太過複雜,無法查看原文完整上下文和版面,tag妨礙閱讀和產出,concordance檢索耗時,以及翻譯指示過長。遇到不確定的字詞或想要查看上下文時,譯者最常查詢翻譯記憶、翻譯詞庫、原文網頁,也會使用字典和官方網站等線上資源,另外更時常離開翻譯介面去查看翻譯指示。根據這些研究結果,可以發現許多譯者儘管在業界或學界接受過訓練,多數時候仍只會使用基本的查詢功能,忽略了工具其他例如預覽、QA檢查和版面個人化等功能 ,因此在進行譯者訓練時,除了時間不能太短,訓練內容也應該更完整全面,不限縮於基本功能,同時更要提供譯者足夠的自學資源,因應科技的日新月異,如此CAT工具才能真正發揮最大效用。
Recent years have seen the rise of translation technology. Translators nowadays find themselves working with CAT (computer-aided/assisted translation) technology to ensure work efficiency and translation consistency. In response to this trend, some researchers have been looking into how individual CAT features affect the translation process. Their findings suggest that translators need proper training before they can bring translation technology into full play. However, there are few studies examining how translators actually work with CAT tools. The problems translators encounter in a CAT environment and how they solve these problems with tool features or external reference materials may shed light on how to improve CAT-related translator training.
This study aims to partially fill the knowledge gap by examining how translators use SDL Trados Studio 2014 to translate a webpage. Ten translators (five novice and five experienced translators) were recruited for think-aloud tests and semi-structured interviews. A triangulation approach was taken to analyse the difficulties participants faced when working with the CAT tool and the resources they used to come up with solutions. Based on the case study, the researcher puts forward suggestions for CAT-related training.
The case study shows that there are five types of technical problems translators may encounter when translating a webpage in Trados Studio 2014, including complex user interface, decontextualized translation environment, intrusive tags, time-consuming concordance search and lengthy style guides. Translators often search in translation memories, termbases, client’s guidelines as well as source files/webpages when in face of translation problems, and they access many online resources, including bilingual official websites and dictionaries. Despite that CAT tools provide a wide range of features, including preview and contextual cues, to help users with their translation problems, many translators remain unaware of or reluctant to try these features. Therefore, it is necessary for CAT-related training to last longer than just a couple of days, and to provide translators with more comprehensive insights into what translation technologies can do, as well as sufficient self-learning resources, in order to better facilitate human-machine interaction.
Table of Contents
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
List of Abbreviations ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of CAT Tools 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 4
1.3 Definition of Translation Problems 6
1.4 Definition of Terminologies 6
1.5 Research Questions 8
1.6 Thesis Organization 8
Chapter 2 Literature Review 10
2.1 Problem-solving in Empirical Process-oriented Translation Studies 10
2.1.1 Angelone and Krings: Problem-solving Bundle and Indicators 11
2.1.2 Jääskeläinen and Tirkkonen-Condit: Professional Translation 13
2.1.3 TAP in Empirical Process-oriented Translation Studies 15
2.2 CAT Tools and Translators 17
2.2.1 Influences of CAT Features on the Translation Process 18
2.2.2 How Translators Use CAT Tools 20
2.2.3 Translators’ Perceptions of CAT Tools 22
2.2.4 Translator’s CAT-related Training 23
2.3 Web Localization 25
2.4 Summary 27
Chapter 3 Methodology 30
3.1 Pilot Tests 30
3.2 Participants 31
3.3 CAT Software 33
3.4 Test Materials 38
3.5 Research Design and Procedure 41
3.5.1 Think-aloud Protocol 41
3.5.2 Interview 42
3.5.3 Analysis 45
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 48
4.1 Types of Technical Problems 48
4.1.1 UI Layout 50
4.1.2 Tags 51
4.1.3 De-contextualization and Segmentation 54
4.1.4 TM/TB: Concordance Search and Pre-translation 57
4.1.5 Format 61
4.1.6 Summary 62
4.2 Types of Solutions 63
4.2.1 TM/TB 64
4.2.2 QuickPlace or Copy Source 66
4.2.3 Online Resources 68
4.2.4 Instructions 71
4.2.4 Summary 72
4.3 Suggestions for Translator’s CAT Training 74
Chapter 5 Conclusions 80
5.1 Summary of Study 80
5.2 Significance 82
5.3 Limitations 83
5.4 Directions for Future Research 84
References 86
Appendices 96
Appendix 1: Consent form 96
Appendix 2: Confidentiality agreement 97
Appendix 3: Instruction for think-aloud experiment 98
Appendix 4: TAP coding scheme 99
Appendix 5: Encoded TAPs 101
Appendix 6: Coding scheme for semi-structured interview 122
Appendix 7: Encoded interview 124
Appendix 8: Table for encoded interview 129
Appendix 9: List of inconsistencies 130

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