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研究生(外文):Shih-Che Pai
論文名稱(外文):Validation and Application of a Novel Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Image-Based Technique to the Measurement of Three-Dimensional Knee Joint Kinematics In Vivo
指導教授(外文):Tung-Wu LuCheng-Chung Lin
外文關鍵詞:MR Imagesdynamic dual-slices imagesimage registrationvalidationknee jointskinematics
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核磁共振影像提供了一個非侵入式、無輻射的技術來觀測膝關節的運動行為,現今,二維或是三維的核磁共振影像已大量地被用在準靜態狀態下的膝關節測量,然而,動態狀態下的核磁共振影像測量技術由於拍攝空間、影像在時空間的解析度等諸多限制,仍然有需多待發展的空間。本實驗室已成功開發出單切面MRI 對位技術[1],並進一步地發展出以雙平面動態核磁共振影像為基礎之創新的雙切面對位技術[2]。
Accurate quantification of the three-dimensional (3-D) kinematics of the knee is essential for studying its normal function and diagnosing pathology. Although, there are many techniques have been developed for measuring knee kinematics, the methods for non-invasively measuring three-dimensional and dynamic knee motion are still limited. Skin marker-based methods have been widely used in clinical gait analysis and sports biomechanics to reconstruct quantitatively the 3-D kinematics of human body segments. However, movements between the skin markers and the underlying bones (i.e., soft tissue artifacts) during activities are inevitable and have been shown to affect the measurement outcome of joint kinematics.
Recently, many radiographic techniques based on the registration of 3-D bone models and 2-D dynamic fluoroscopic images have been developed to acquire kinematic data of the bones for a variety of human joints without the distraction of the soft tissues artifacts. However, such techniques are subject to a risk of radiation overdose, limiting their widespread clinical application.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides an opportunity to measure non-invasively and free of ionizing radiation the kinematics of the knee. MRI has been used predominately for static 2D or 3D measurements of the knee alignment at discrete positions. However, limited scan space and low temporal resolution of the MR scanner let those techniques affront to many limitations. In our lab, a slice-to-volume (SVR) registration method was proposed for measuring dynamic joint positions using real-time MRI with single-slice. We also proposed a new registration method in conjunction with dual-slices real-time MRI for measuring 3-D kinematics of the knee.
The purpose of this study was to validate dual-slices SVR methods in different speed condition and apply this novel method to in vivo kinematics study such as the effects of different functional movement and acting different force and moment on the knee. With the results of this study, it will provide a kinematics analysis methods and data of complicated knee motion. It may be used in rehabilitation programs for better treatment outcome in future clinical applications.
摘要 I
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 膝關節之解剖學 2
第三節 膝關節之運動學 5
第四節 人體動作研究之歷史 6
第五節 切片對體積影像對位技術 9
I. 匹配準則 10
II. 轉換模型 11
III. 方法驗證 12
第六節 研究目的 14
第二章 材料與方法 15
第一節 雙切片動態核磁共振影像對位 15
第二節 試體驗證 18
I. 膝關節試體 18
II. 膝關節驗證實驗平台 19
III. 定義液體柱之座標系統 22
IV. 標準轉換模型之參數取得 24
V. 試體驗證流程 26
VI. 資料分析 27
第三節 活體量測 27
I. 受試者 28
II. 主被動彎曲伸直測試之夾具設計 28
III. 活體實驗流程 29
IV. 統計方法 30
第三章 結果與討論 31
I. 試體驗證結果與討論 31
II. 活體量測結果與討論 35
III. 結論 35
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