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研究生(外文):Hsin-Yi Chen
論文名稱:第一部分 山欖葉部之成分研究(III):分離、三萜皂苷之分析與其醣基之確認第二部分 大葉山欖果仁之活性成分研究
論文名稱(外文):Part I Chemical investigation of Planchonella obovata leaf (III): isolation, analysis of triterpenoid glycosides and confirmation of their glycon moietiesPart II Bioactive constituents from Palaquium formosanum kernel
中文關鍵詞:山欖大葉山欖山欖科三萜皂苷1D TOCSY細胞毒性原花青素旋轉異構物氫暨碳譜標定
外文關鍵詞:Planchonella obovataPalaquium formosanumSapotaceaetriterpenoid glycosides1D TOCSYcytotoxicityproanthocyanidinsrotamers1H & 13C NMR assignment
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第一部分 山欖葉部之成分研究(III):分離、三萜皂苷之分析與其醣基之確認
山欖(Planchonella obovata)為常青樹木,是臺灣三種山欖科植物其中之一。本論文為延續本實驗室先前對其正丁醇可溶之高極性成分探討。使用Sephadex LH-20、逆向管柱層析得到2個新化合物,6β-hydroxy-conyzasaponin G (8)和glycerol 1,2-disinapate 3-α-glucuronide (9),和5個已知化合物。
通過薄層層析法分析Mi-saponin B和C酸水解產物,得知皂苷裡單醣的組成。將這些單醣做成trimethylsilyl L-cysteine衍生物,接著利用氣相層析分析,即可鑑定出這些單醣的絕對立體結構。這些單醣為D-apiose、L-arabinose、D-xylose、D-glucose和L-rhamnose。
第二部分 大葉山欖果仁之活性成分研究
山欖科植物大葉山欖(Palaquium formosanum)為高大之喬木,原生於菲律賓和台灣。其果仁酒精萃取物的正丁醇可溶層對PC-3前列腺癌細胞具有好的細胞毒性,因而將正丁醇可溶層經Sephadex LH-20分離。富含皂苷的組分具有細胞毒殺性,因而針對此一部分進行分離,得到1個新的化合物,3''-O-rhamnopyranosyl-arganin C (10),以及11個已知的oleanane-type皂苷(11–21)。這些化合物的1H和13C訊號相當複雜,需要經由1D NMR (1H和13C)、2D NMR (1H−1H COSY、NOESY、HSQC和HMBC),以及選擇性激發1D TOCSY圖譜進行繁複的分析而確立。本研究修正不少文獻之1H和13C NMR標定,而且這些圖譜是在methanol-d4紀錄,方便日後用於鑑定類似的三萜皂苷之參考。這些化合物加上五個來自山欖的三萜皂苷一起做活性試驗,結果顯示arganin C具有好的抗PC-3前列腺癌細胞活性,IC50為13.8 μM。本研究亦歸納這些三萜皂苷結構與抗PC-3前列腺癌細胞活性關係。
另一方面,正丁醇可溶層對甲型葡萄糖水解酶亦有甚佳之抑制活性,在10 μg/mL下達87.8%抑制率。該層依活性導引進行分離,得到10個類黃酮成分(22–31)和兩個megastigmane glycosides (32和33)。其中四個為二聚原花青素(dimeric proanthocyanidins)以4α→8方式相接,由於axial rotation使之產生旋轉異構物(rotational isomers)。因此 prodelphinidin B3 (28)、catechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin (29)、gallocatechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin (30)和gallocatechin-(4α→8)-epigallocate chin gallate (31), 1H和13C NMR 圖譜相當複雜。藉由2D ROESY圖譜了解rotamers的特性,再經由分析2D NMR (1H−1H COSY、ROESY、HSQC和HMBC),將這些rotamers完整的1H和13C NMR資料加以標定,此亦為首次之報告。
Part I. Chemical investigation of Planchonella obovata leaf (III): isolation, analysis of triterpenoid glycosides and confirmation of their glycon moieties
Planchonella obovata is an evergreen tree, one of the three Sapotaceae plants in Taiwan. This thesis is a continuation of our previous study on the chemical investigation of the polar components in the n-BuOH soluble fraction. Further separation through Sephadex LH-20 and reversed-phase C-18 columns led to the isolation of two new compounds, 6β-hydroxy-conyzasaponin G (8) and glycerol 1,2-disinapate 3-α-glucuronide (9), and five known compounds.
The monosaccharide compositions in these glycosides were determined by TLC analysis of the acid hydrolysates of Mi-saponins B and C. The absolute configurations of these monosaccharides was determined by GC analysis of the corresponding trimethylsilyl L-cysteine derivative. These monosaccharides are determined as D-apiose, L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-glucose, and L-rhamnose.
Part II Bioactive constituents from Palaquium formosanum kernel
Palaquium formosanum (Sapotaceae) is a tall tree indigenous to Philippines and Taiwan. The n-BuOH-soluble fraction of the ethanol extact of the P. formosanum kernel being cytotoxic against PC-3 prostate cancer cell line was further fractionated by Sephadex LH-20. The fractions rich in saponins showed cytotoxicity were further separated mainly by RP-18 columns.This effort led to the isolation of one new, 3''-O-rhamnopyranosyl-arganin C (10), and 11 known oleanane-type saponins (11–21). The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of these compounds are quite complex and their assignments were established by analysis of 1D NMR (1H and 13C), 2D NMR (1H−1H COSY, NOESY, HSQC, and HMBC), and selectively excited 1D TOCSY spectra. This work revised some reported 1H and 13C NMR assignments, and these data being recorded in methanol-d4 are friendly to the user as a reference for identifying the related triterpenoid saponins. Bioassay of these isolated compounds and five from Planchonella obovata leaf indicated arganin C to be most potent against PC-3 prostate cancer cells with the IC50 value of 13.8 μM. Some structure and activity relationships were also drawn.
The n-BuOH-soluble fraction also displayed potent inhibitory activity against α-glucosidase (87.8% at 10 μg/mL). Further investigation of this fraction via the bioassay-guide approach yielded ten flavonoids (22–31). Four of them (28–31) are dimeric proanthocyanidins with 4α→8 linkage, arising rotational isomers from axial rotation. Thus, the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of prodelphinidin B3 (28), catechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin (29), gallocatechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin (30), and gallocatechin-(4α→8)-epigallocatechin gallate (31) were quite complex. The conformations of these rotamers were identified through analysis of 2D ROESY spectra. The complete 1H and 13C NMR assignments of these rotamers were made by extensive analysis of 2D NMR (1H−1H COSY, ROESY, HSQC, and HMBC), and this is the first report for such assignments.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要(Abstract) iii
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
流程圖目錄 xvi
專有名詞縮寫(Abbreviations of Terminology) xvii
第一部分 1
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的 1
1.2 植物簡介 2
1.3 Planchonella屬植物成分之相關研究 3
1.4 白血病簡介 6
1.5 治療APL方式 8
2 實驗結果與討論 10
2.1 化合物1–9結構解析 10
2.1.1 類黃酮之結構解析 11 Isorhamnetin (1)、kaempferol (2)、quercetin (3)和quercetin 3-O-robinobioside (7)之結構解析 11
2.1.2 木脂素類(lignan)成分之結構解析 14 (+)-Lyoniresinol 3a-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (4)之結構解析 14 (–)-Lyoniresinol 3a-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (5)之結構解析 16
2.1.3 新木脂素類(neolignan)成分之結構解析 18 (7S,8R)-Dihydrodehydrodiconiferyl alcohol (6)之結構解析 18
2.1.4 三萜皂苷類成分之結構解析 20 6β-Hydroxy-conyzasaponin G (8)之結構解析 20
2.1.5 Glycerol 1,2-disinapate 3-α-glucuronide (9)之結構解析 24
2.2 鑑定山欖成分的醣基立體組態 27
2.3 藥理活性試驗結果 30
2.4 討論 31
3 實驗部分 32
3.1 儀器與器材 32
3.1.1 理化性質測定儀器 32
3.1.2 成分分離之儀器與器材 32
3.1.3 試藥及溶劑 33
3.2 植物來源 34
3.3 山欖葉部成分之分離 34
3.3.1 山欖葉正丁醇可溶層之成分分離 34
3.3.2 化合物1–5之分離 34
3.3.3 化合物6和7之分離 35
3.3.4 化合物8和9之分離 35
3.4 鑑定醣基的立體組態 37
3.5 細胞毒性試驗(由詹社紅進行) 38
3.5.1 細胞和試藥 38
3.5.2 樣品配置 38
3.5.3 細胞毒性測試(MTT assay) 38
3.6 化合物之物理數據 39
第二部分 大葉山欖果仁之活性成分研究 42
1 緒論 42
1.1 研究目的 42
1.2 植物簡介 43
1.3 Palaquium屬植物成分之相關研究 44
1.4 前列腺癌簡介 46
1.4.1 流行病學 46
1.4.2 前列腺癌分期與治療方式 46
2 實驗結果與討論 50
2.1 化合物結構解析 50
2.1.1 三萜皂苷類(triterpenoid glycoside)成分 52 16α-Hydroxyprotobassic acid glycosides之結構解析 52 Protobassic acid glycosides之結構解析 76
2.1.2 類黃酮(flavonols)成分 82 (+)-Catechin (22)與(+)-gallocatechin (23)之結構解析 82 (+)-Catechin-3-O-gallate (24)與(−)-epicatechin-3-O-gallate (25)之結構解析 84 (+)-Gallocatechin-3-O-gallate (26)與(−)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (27)之結構解析 86 Prodelphinidin B3 (28)之結構解析 88 Catechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin (29)之結構解析 92 Gallocatechin-(4α→8)-gallocatechin (30)之結構解析 96 Gallocatechin-(4α→8)-epigallocatechin gallate (31)之結構解析 100
2.1.3 Megastigmane glycosides成分 104 Actinidioionoside (32)之結構解析 104 Dihydrophaseic acid 4''-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (33)之結構解析 106
2.2 藥理活性試驗結果 108
2.2.1 細胞毒性試驗結果 108
2.2.2 甲型葡萄糖水解酶抑制活性測試 109
2.3 討論 110
3 實驗部分 111
3.1 儀器與器材 111
3.1.1 理化性質測定儀器 111
3.1.2 成分分離之儀器與材料 111
3.1.3 試劑與溶媒 112
3.1.4 甲基葡萄糖水解酶抑制活性測試之酶、試劑與儀器 112
3.2 植物來源 114
3.3 萃取與純化 114
3.3.1 大葉山欖果仁之萃取 114
3.3.2 正丁醇可溶層之成分分離 114 化合物10–12、15、18–21之分離 114 化合物13–14、16–17之分離 115 化合物32和33之分離 117 化合物22之分離 117 化合物23之分離 117 化合物28和29之分離 117 化合物24、25和30之分離 118 化合物26與27之分離 118 化合物31之分離 118
3.4 細胞毒性試驗(由劉如芳博士進行) 120
3.4.1 細胞和試藥 120
3.4.2 樣品配置 120
3.4.3 細胞毒性試驗(CCK-8 assay) 120
3.5 甲型葡萄水解酶抑制活性試驗 121
3.5.1 試藥與試劑的配製 121
3.5.2 實驗步驟 121
3.6 化合物之物理數據 123
參考資料 131
附圖 137
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