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研究生(外文):Kang-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Screw Length on Changes in Screw Removal Torque after Cyclic Loading
指導教授(外文):Li-Deh Lin
外文關鍵詞:dental implantabutment screwabutment screw lengthfatigue testremove torque value
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本研究使用IDEOSS系統之4mm直徑內接式植體及5mm直徑內接式植體。4mm直徑植體分為使用完整長度10圈螺紋支柱螺絲、較短長度8圈螺紋支柱螺絲及6圈螺紋支柱螺絲組別;5mm直徑植體分為使用完整長度10圈螺紋支柱螺絲及較短長度8圈螺紋支柱螺絲兩組。所有植體總共分為五組,每組含四個樣本。將植體以符合ISO 14801規範之方式包埋於夾具之中後,以廠商建議之扭力值由MODEL-2205NS扭力試驗儀鎖緊支柱螺絲兩次,中間間隔十分鐘,之後再以扭力測試儀測量支柱螺絲之初始移除扭矩。測得初始移除扭矩後,再次將支柱螺絲鎖緊,將特製金屬帽套上支柱,並以符合ISO 14801規範之方式於Instron E3000疲勞測試儀器進行疲勞測試。疲勞測試之頻率設定為15Hz,施力大小設定為以正弦函數方式變化之變動大小,最大施力值為219N,最小施力值為21.9N,施力之次數設定為30萬次,模擬補綴物使用一年之咬合次數。完成後,再以扭力測試儀測量疲勞測試後移除扭矩。
One of the major technical complications of fixed implant prosthesis is abutment screw fracture. It’s difficult to remove the fracture segment of abutment screw inside the implant body clinically. If we use a short abutment screw, it will be easier to remove the fracture segment inside the implant body once the abutment screw fractured. The relations between abutment screw length and abutment-implant joint stability has not been well studied. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relations between abutment screw length and abutment-implant joint stability by measuring the screw initial remove torque value and post-cyclic loading remove torque value.
Material and method:
Twenty IDEOSS internal-connection implants were used. 12 were 4mm-diameter implant and 8 were 5mm-diameter implant. 4mm-diameter group was further separated into three groups: a group using full-length, 10 threads abutment screw, a group using shortened, 8 threads abutment screw and a group using 6 threads abutment screw. 5mm-diameter group was separated into two groups: a group using full-length, 10 threads abutment screw and a group using shortened, 8 threads abutment screw. The implant body were embed into aluminum jigs with epoxy resin and cement-type abutments were attached. Abutment screws were tightened twice with 10 minutes interval with suggested torque by manufactory with the MODEL-2205NS torque machine. The initial remove toque values were measured by the torque machine and were recorded then. After the initial remove torque values were recorded, abutment screws were re-tightened and custom-made metal caps were attached to the abutments. The implant assemblies were loaded with 21.9N-219N sinusoidally at a 15Hz frequency for 300,000 cycles, with corresponded to approximately 1 year of normal masticatory function. After cyclic loading, the post-loading remove torque values were measured with the torque machine and were recorded.
The initial remove torque value with 10-thread abutment screw of 5mm-diamter implant was greater than 4mm-diameter implant group. The initial remove torque value cannot be measured in two out of four samples in the 4mm-diameter implant with 6-thread abutment screw group. The post-loading remove torque values showed no significant differences between 10-thread abutment screw group and 8-thread abutment screw group in both 4mm-diameter implant and 5mm-diameter implant.
Within the limitations of this study, short abutment screws provide the same abutment-implant connection stability as full-length abutment screws after cyclic loading.
第一章 引言……………………………………………………………10
第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………13
第三章 研究目的………………………………………………………22
第四章 材料與方法……………………………………………………24
4.1 植體系統………………………………………………………24
4.2 研究相關材料…………………………………………………24
4.3 研究設計………………………………………………………24
4.3.1 目的……………………………………………………24
4.3.2 實驗用金屬帽之製作…………………………………24
4.3.3 實驗用植體之包埋……………………………………24
4.3.4 不同長度支柱螺絲之製備……………………………25
4.3.5 樣本X光影像檢查……………………………………25
4.3.6 初始移除扭矩之測量…………………………………25
4.3.7 疲勞測試………………………………………………26
4.3.8 疲勞測試後之移除扭矩測量…………………………27
4.4 統計分析………………………………………………………27
第五章 實驗結果………………………………………………………29
5.1 不同長度支柱螺絲之初始移除扭矩比較……………………29
5.1.1 4mm直徑植體組別……………………………………29
5.1.2 5mm直徑植體組別……………………………………30
5.2 不同尺寸植體之初始移除扭矩比較 ………………………30
5.2.1 10圈螺紋支柱螺絲組別 ………………………………30
5.2.2 8圈螺紋支柱螺絲組別…………………………………31
5.3 不同長度支柱螺絲於疲勞測試後之移除扭矩比較…………31
5.3.1 4mm直徑植體組別 ……………………………………31
5.3.2 5mm直徑植體組別 ……………………………………32
5.4 不同尺寸植體於疲勞測試後之移除扭矩比較………………32
5.4.1 10圈螺紋支柱螺絲組別 ………………………………32
5.4.2 8圈螺螺紋支柱螺絲組別………………………………33
5.5 各組疲勞測試前後之移除扭矩比較…………………………33
5.5.1 4mm直徑植體搭配10圈螺紋支柱螺絲………………33
5.5.2 4mm直徑植體搭配8圈螺紋支柱螺絲…………………34
5.5.3 5mm直徑植體搭配10圈螺紋支柱螺絲………………34
5.5.4 5mm直徑植體搭配8圈螺紋支柱螺絲…………………35
5.6 樣本X光影像檢查……………………………………………35
第六章 討論……………………………………………………………37
6.1 實驗設計………………………………………………………37
6.1.1 實驗模型設計…………………………………………37
6.1.2 初始移除扭矩測試……………………………………38
6.1.3 疲勞測試設計………………………………………… 39
6.2 結果討論………………………………………………………40
6.2.1 初始移除扭矩比較……………………………………40 不同長度支柱螺絲之初始移除扭矩比較………40 不同尺寸植體之初始移除扭矩比較……………42
6.2.2 疲勞測試後之移除扭矩比較………………………… 42
6.2.3 各組疲勞測試前後之移除扭矩比較………………… 44 4mm直徑植體搭配10圈螺紋支柱螺絲…………44 4mm直徑植體搭配8圈螺紋支柱螺絲…………45 5mm直徑植體搭配10圈螺紋支柱螺絲…………45 5mm直徑植體搭配8圈螺紋支柱螺絲…………45
6.2.4 4mm直徑植體搭配6圈螺紋支柱螺絲之實驗結果……46
第七章 研究限制與未來方向…………………………………………47
第八章 結論……………………………………………………………49
參考文獻……………………………………………………………… 50
圖次…………………………………………………………………… 53
表次…………………………………………………………………… 63
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