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研究生(外文):Hsueh-Chun Fu
論文名稱(外文):Eliminate IOMMU Address Translation for Accelerator-rich Architecture via Cache Forwarding
指導教授(外文):Chia-lin Yang
外文關鍵詞:Heterogeneous ComputingAccelerator-rich ArchitectureVirtual Memory System
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Emerging accelerator-rich architectures combine conventional processors with multiple customized accelerators onto the same die. Prior studies have introduced a IOMMU to enable the unified virtual address space for accelerators. However, the slow IOMMU is not capable of delivering efficient page walks and diminishes the gain of customized accelerators. Moreover, the highly-associative IOTLB can account for an unnegligible power consumption. Related work presents an offload page walker to speed up the IOMMU address
translation via utilizing the CPU’s MMU page walk cache. However, the IOMMU address translation still exists and harms the performance and the power. In this work, instead of letting DMA fetch data through the IOMMU address translation, we make the CPU’s L1 data cache directly forward the data to the accelerator’s scratchpad to avoid the IOMMU address translation. Evaluations show our proposed mechanism can achieve 14.8% and 8% improvements on execution time compared to the baseline and the state-of-the-art offload page walker and overall reach 22.1% power reduction on average.
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 3
2.1 Architecture of Customized Accelerator 3
2.2 Accelerator Execution Model 4
2.3 Motivation 4
3 Mechanism 7
3.1 Construct Scratchpad Mapping in L1 Data Cache 8
3.2 Accelerator-Task Data Evictions 9
3.3 Software Modifications and Architectural Support 10
4 Results 12
5 Related Work 16
5.1 Design Space Exploration of Customized Accelerators 16
5.2 Integration of Customized Accelerators 17
5.3 Studies on Address Translation 17
6 Conclusion and Future Work 19
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