With the advent of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain technology has been paid much attention to society every year and has inspired the development of many other blockchain technology. For example, Gcoin blockchain is the first blockchain technology in Taiwan and it is derived from Bitcoin Core. And the success of merging smart contract into Ethereum blockchain brings the development of blockchain technology into the next era. Smart contract is one of the most important features in blockchain technology nowadays, which allows users to trade money, property of anything valuable without a middleman. Compared to traditional contracts, it can save a lot of manpower, time, and resources, but can bring more stable and more secure results. After the advent of Ethereum, the development of blockchain-based smart contract flourished. However, there are still some parts where the mainstream smart contract architecture can be approved. Therefore, this thesis proposes a new model, in addition to the details of the design, will also explore its advantages and future works, and the comparison to two current mainstream smart contract architectures.