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研究生(外文):Yuan-Cheng Lee
論文名稱(外文):Optimizing Memory Virtualization through Hardware/Software Co-design
指導教授(外文):Chih-Wen Hsueh
外文關鍵詞:virtualizationmemory managementtranslation lookaside bufferscache memorieshardware/software interfaces
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Virtualization is a technology enabling consolidation of multiple operating systems into a single physical machine. It originated from the need to create a multi-user time-sharing operating system based on multiple single-user operating systems. This long-lasting technology has evolved constantly. In addition to the popular applications for server-side virtualization, the advances of the capabilities of embedded processors make virtualization available on various systems much wider than before. The diversity of the target systems demands new design approaches considering the characteristics of the systems. In this dissertation, we propose the idea of optimizing virtualization environments through hardware/software co-design, and demonstrate the potential power of hardware/software co-design through the development of a new optimization technique for memory virtualization. Based on the existing studies, we recognize the memory subsystem as a major bottleneck of a virtualization environment. Therefore, we concentrate our efforts on optimizing memory virtualization for a specific type of virtualization environments as a working example. We first present a quantitative analysis of the impacts of memory virtualization. We then propose an optimized memory virtualization technique along with a comprehensive evaluation including the qualitative analysis with a formal proof and the quantitative analysis based on software emulation and hardware simulation. The results suggest the proposed technique outperforms the existing technique. The research points out hardware/software co-design is a promising direction for optimizing virtualization for the emerging applications.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview ................................. 2
1.2 Challenges of the Emerging Applications of Virtualization . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Scope................................... 8
1.4 Contributions ............................... 10
1.5 DissertationOutline............................ 12
2 Background 13
2.1 VirtualizationEnvironment........................ 13
2.2 Operating-system-levelVirtualization .................. 16
2.3 MemoryVirtualization .......................... 17
2.3.1 NestedPaging .......................... 18
2.3.2 VariantsofNestedPaging .................... 20
3 Literature Review 24
4 A Non-invasive Analysis of the Impacts of Memory Virtualization 29
4.1 Design................................... 30
4.1.1 PageTableTracing........................ 33
4.1.2 FormatoftheTraceFiles..................... 36
4.1.3 ImplementationConsiderations ................. 38
4.2 Evaluation................................. 42
4.2.1 Methodology ........................... 42
4.2.2 Results .............................. 47
4.2.3 PenaltyoftheStage2Translation ................ 50
4.3 Summary ................................. 52
5 oPT: An Optimized Two-stage Page Translation 53
5.1 Design................................... 54
5.1.1 ComparisonwithNestedPaging................. 57
5.1.2 ImplementationConsiderations ................. 59
5.2 ProofofCorrectness ........................... 63
5.3 Evaluation with Software Emulation on a VMM-independent
Environment ............................... 70
5.3.1 Methodology ........................... 70
5.3.2 Results .............................. 72
5.4 Evaluation with the Non-invasive Analysis Framework on a Practical VirtualizationEnvironment........................ 79
5.5 Relaxation................................. 83
5.6 Summary ................................. 84
6 Micro-Level Evaluation of oPT with Hardware Metrics 86
6.1 Methodology ............................... 87
6.1.1 FPGATechnology ........................ 88
6.2 DesignofthePrototypes ......................... 89
6.2.1 bTLB............................... 89
6.2.2 ExtendedMMU ......................... 91
6.3 Post-routeSimulation........................... 95
6.4 Remarks.................................. 98
7 Conclusions 100
7.1 SummaryoftheResults.......................... 101
7.2 ResearchLimitationsandFutureWork.................. 102
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