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研究生(外文):Yi-Lin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Exploring The Relevant Factors and The Relation of Prognosis of Delay Treatment in Breast Cancer Patients
外文關鍵詞:Delay TreatmentBreast CancerSystematic FactorsLength of Delay Treatment TimeQuantile Regression
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研究方法:本研究將利用健保資料庫結合癌症登記檔進行資料分析,使用SAS 9.4,分析方法採用T-Test、ANOVA、卡方、多變量迴歸進行資料分析。
Background:Breast cancer threats the whole world women’s health, so many countries emphasis the concept, ‘Early diagnosis and early treatment’, to improve the health outcomes of breast cancer patients. Under this circumstance, researcher put their attention on ‘Delay treatment’, which measured the time of diagnosis and treatment, and has impact on patient’s outcomes (such as survive, stage and expense). In 2015, Neal and his team systematic reviewed the researches of Cancer delay treatment, pointed out that the studies’ results without consistency and the studies of relevant factors still lacking. Delay treatment is one of the important factors influenced patient’ health, they suggested the future researcher should focus on the hospital factors’ relationship and follow the guideline of Weller, which posted in 2012. This research expects to use database analyze exploring the relationship between hospital factors and delay treatment, moreover, understanding the delay treatment effect on patient’ health outcomes.
Purpose: There were two purposes of this study, first, understanding the hospital factors’ relation to delay treatment, second, exploring the delay treatment effect to patient’ health outcome.
Method: This research used the National Health Insurance Database and Cancer Registry Database to analysis. Version of SAS is 9.4. Statistic methods contain T-test, ANOVA, Chi-square and regression.
Results: The results showed breast cancer patient’ average diagnosis delay is 9.45 days (±11.75 days), average treatment delay is 13.94 days (±18.08 days). In Hospital factors’ relation with delay treatment, the amount of first time diagnosis has significant correlation with diagnosis delay, the amount raise 1 unit, the diagnosis delay will increase 0.000203 days. The hospital ownership has significant correlation with diagnosis delay and treatment delay. The average diagnosis delay of public hospital is 8.76 days(±11.21 days), besides the average of non-public hospital is 9.96 days (±12.11 days). The average treatment delay of public hospital is 14.12 days(±18.88 days), besides the average of non-public hospital is 13.82days (±12.11 days). We seperated the delay time according the average point to two group, and found that longer diagnosis delay group significantly has higher risk to get serious stage than shorter delay group. Besides, the longer diagnosis delay group also has higher risk to die, and the OR is 1.095. However, the longer treatment delay group has lower risk to die, and the OR is 0.977.
Conclusion:Our findings suggest that the effect of diagnosis delay should be considered in formulation or revisiong national health policy. Besides, the hospital should use information system to monitor their patients’ condition of delay treatment, and improve their treatment process to help patient get therapy. Last, the effect of delay treatment in other cancers is unknow, we suggested the future research can focus on other cancer, and consider the effect of hospital character in the study.
口試委員會審定書 I
誌謝 II
中文摘要 III
英文摘要 V
目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與重要性 1
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第一節 乳癌現況、診斷與治療 4
第二節 延遲治療的定義 6
第三節 延遲治療對乳癌病患預後的影響 11
第四節 影響乳癌病患延遲治療的因子 13
第五節 延遲治療相關實證研究-醫療機構特性因子與預後結果 20
第六節 綜合回顧整理 44
第三章 研究方法 45
第一節 研究架構 45
第二節 研究假說 46
第三節 研究對象 47
第四節 資料來源與研究區間 49
第五節 資料處理與統計方法 54
第四章 結果 61
第一節 描述性統計 61
第二節 雙變量分析 64
第三節 多變量分析 65
第五章 討論 85
第一節 研究方法 85
第二節 醫療機構特性因子對延遲治療天數的影響 87
第三節 延遲治療天數對預後因子的影響 90
第四節 研究限制 92
第六章 結論與建議 93
第一節 結論 93
第二節 建議 94
參考文獻 96
附錄 101
附錄一 The Arhus Checklist[6] 101
附錄一 The Arhus Checklist[6](續) 102
附錄二 共病症代碼與權重[70, 71] 103

表 1 2003年到2013年台灣乳癌發生率與死亡率 5
表 2 各國研究乳癌延遲治療時間整理 10
表 3 各國研究延遲治療時間整理 12
表 4 延遲治療相關因子研究整理-病患特性 16
表 5 延遲治療相關因子研究整理-疾病特性 18
表 6 延遲治療相關因子研究整理-醫療機構特性因子 19
表 7 延遲治療相關因子研究整理-其他 19
表 8 研遲治療對預後影響之文獻整理 22
表 9 研遲治療相關因子之文獻整理 29
表 10 操作型定義 50
表 11 描述性統計變項分析方法對照表 57
表 12 各假說變項雙變項統計方法對照表 59
表 13 各假說變項多變項統計方法對照表 60
表 14 描述性統計結果 67
表 15 延遲治療時間雙變量分析結果 70
表 16 預後因子雙變量相關分析結果 73
表 17 延遲治療時間多變量分析結果 77
表 18 預後因子多變量分析結果(未分組) 78
表 19 預後因子多變量分析結果(依平均值分組)-診斷期別 79
表 20 預後因子多變量分析結果(依平均值分組)-總醫療費用、存活情形 81
表 21 假說驗證 83

圖 1 病患延遲治療時間定義整理 9
圖 2 研究架構一(假說一) 45
圖 3 研究架構二(假說二) 46
圖 4 研究架構三(假說三) 46
圖 5 篩選流程 56
圖 6 診斷延遲天數趨勢 63
圖 7 治療延遲天數趨勢 64
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