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研究生(外文):LE MINH THAI
論文名稱:Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease Using Different Spinal Fixation Systems Based on Finite Element Method
論文名稱(外文):Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease Using Different Spinal Fixation Systems Based on Finite Element Method
指導教授(外文):Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員(外文):Ching-Kong ChaoKao-Shang ShihChing-Chi Hsu
中文關鍵詞:Finite element analysesPedicle screw and rodTranslaminar facet screwTransfacet pedicle screwCoflex device
外文關鍵詞:Finite element analysesPedicle screw and rodTranslaminar facet screwTransfacet pedicle screwCoflex device
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Fusion has been the gold standard treatment for treating lumbar degenerative disc disease. Many clinical studies have demonstrated that adjacent segment degeneration was observed in patients over time. Various instrumentations of stabilization systems have been investigated using numerical approaches. However, numerical models developed in the past were simplified to reduce computational time or compare a few different stabilization systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare the biomechanical performance of different spinal fixation systems as pedicle screw and rod system, translaminar facet screw system, transfacet pedicle screw system, and Coflex system using a more realistic numerical model. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element models of the T10-S1 multilevel spine with various posterior instrumentations were developed. The intersegmental rotation, the maximum disc stress, and the maximum implant stress were calculated. The results indicated that pedicle screw and rod system had the greatest stability but also a greater risk of adjacent segment failure. The biomechanical performance of Coflex system was closer to that of the intact spine model compared with pedicle screw and rod system, translaminar facet screw system, and transfacet pedicle screw system. The results of this study could help surgeons understand the biomechanical characteristics of different posterior instrumentations for the treatment of lumbar degenerative disc diseases
Fusion has been the gold standard treatment for treating lumbar degenerative disc disease. Many clinical studies have demonstrated that adjacent segment degeneration was observed in patients over time. Various instrumentations of stabilization systems have been investigated using numerical approaches. However, numerical models developed in the past were simplified to reduce computational time or compare a few different stabilization systems. The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare the biomechanical performance of different spinal fixation systems as pedicle screw and rod system, translaminar facet screw system, transfacet pedicle screw system, and Coflex system using a more realistic numerical model. Three-dimensional nonlinear finite element models of the T10-S1 multilevel spine with various posterior instrumentations were developed. The intersegmental rotation, the maximum disc stress, and the maximum implant stress were calculated. The results indicated that pedicle screw and rod system had the greatest stability but also a greater risk of adjacent segment failure. The biomechanical performance of Coflex system was closer to that of the intact spine model compared with pedicle screw and rod system, translaminar facet screw system, and transfacet pedicle screw system. The results of this study could help surgeons understand the biomechanical characteristics of different posterior instrumentations for the treatment of lumbar degenerative disc diseases
1.1 Research Background and Study Purpose
1.2 Anatomy of Spine
1.2.1 Vertebral Column
1.2.2 Each vertebral bone and Intervertebral disc
1.2.3 Lumbar degenerative disease
1.3 Literatures Review
1.4 Structure of Thesis
2.1 Overview of Study Methodology
2.2 Stabilization Systems
2.2.1 Pedicle screw-rod System (PSR)
2.2.2 Translaminar facet screw System (TLFS) & Transfacet pedicle screw System (TFPS)
2.3 Finite Element Analysis
2.3.1 T10-S1 Multilevel Spine Models
2.3.2 Finite Element Models
2.4 Biomechanical Performances of Different Instrumentations
3.1 Finite Element Analyses and Validation
3.2 Evaluation of Adjacent Segment Degeneration
3.3 Failure Risk of Intervertebral Discs
3.4 Failure Risk of the Stabilization Systems
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