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研究生(外文):Chueh - Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the Effects of Installing Locations on Performance of Single-touch and Gestural Operations in Driving Environment
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Jhe Lin
口試委員(外文):Chiuhsiang Joe LinYing-Yin Huang
外文關鍵詞:Gestural operationsMulti-touchTouchscreen locationTouch deviation
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本研究首先建構了一個具有可調座位、方向盤並三點式安全帶的模擬駕駛艙,並在其中進行實驗。實驗共邀集27位受試者(19男8女)參與,平均年齡為23.93±0.68歲,實驗工作為在觸控螢幕1000×700像素的工作區域中,使用單指點擊目標物,或以掐捏手勢操作物件(移動及縮放)使其大小與位置能與目標物一致。 實驗結果顯示:將觸控螢幕置於下方位置(腰部高度附近)造成最大的偏移量,而中間位置(肩膀高度附近)造成的偏移量為最少;無論單指點擊或多點手勢操作,偏移量都會隨著目標物遠離身體中心而增加,但受試者於單指點擊時皆傾向點擊目標物的左下方;於多點手勢操作則傾向將操作物件放置於目標物右上方。若比較多點手勢操作測試的兩種目標物大小,目標物大小為100像素時,受試者傾向將操作物件放得較目標物大;而目標物大小為200像素時,受試者傾向將操作物件縮得較目標物小。最後主觀問卷結果顯示,受試者較喜歡將觸控螢幕裝設於中間位置以及使用單指點擊操作。此外將觸控螢幕位置裝在上方(眼睛高度附近)受試者認為操作顯著較其他兩個位置困難,並且造成右側肩頸部、上肢、手腕以及姆指指腹較顯著的疲勞。
As the technology gradually improves in our generation, the application of touchscreens has already become the main steam. The in-vehicle touchscreen display system, however, received relatively less attention in the literature about its best location of installation for better performance in single-touch and multi-touch tasks. Especially, the abovementioned research question has not been addressed in the context where touch operations are primary tasks when the vehicle is still. Through the user experiment and the questionnaire, this study aimed to investigate how the performance in accuracy and subjective evaluation of difficulty, fatigue and preferences are affected by three kinds of installation (upper, middle and lower) in single-touch and pinch gesture operations in a simulated driving environment.
The study first established a simulated car cabin with an adjustable seat, a steering wheel and a 3-point safety belt. Twenty-seven voluntary participants were recruited in the experiment, and their age on average was 23.93±0.68 years old. The experimental task was to click the target (single-touch) or to use the pinch gesture to manipulate a circle to fit the target. The result of the experiment showed that the error of the lower screen installation was the highest and that of the middle screen installation was the lowest. The amount of error for both single-touch and gesture operations increased as the target appeared further away from the body centerline. Furthermore, participants tended to touch the bottom left of the target in a single-touch task while placed the circle at the upper right of the target in a gestural task. When the target size was compared in the gesture operations, participants tended to expand the circle larger than the 100-pixel target, but to contract the circle smaller than the 200-pixel target. The results of the questionnaire showed that, the participants preferred the middle installation and the single-touch task. Additionally, upper installation was considered more difficult and caused greater fatigue on right neck, shoulder, upper extremities, wrist and thumb belly areas.
Based on the results of the current study, the middle installation is recommended for its higher accuracy and less fatigue. The upper installation, despite being recommended by other literatures, caused greater errors, higher difficulty and fatigue, resulting the least preference. The difficulty and fatigue was not revealed when the lower installation was used, but it caused lower accuracy in gestural operations. This study could contribute to future design of in-vehicle touch interfaces in that the accuracy of single touch tasks may be improved by fitting the reception areas to shifts and the most appropriate size of reception areas in gestural tasks were determined based on errors. Future studies may consider verifying experiments in an interface simulating real in-vehicle devices and increasing the number of data collected so that the result can be more applicable in reality.
3.4.1自變數(Independent variables)20
3.4.2依變數(Dependent variables)20
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