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研究生(外文):Gou-Zheng Fan
論文名稱(外文):Imperfect Production System under Predictive Maintenance and Trade Credit
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chung Tsao
口試委員(外文):Vincent F. YuPo-Hsun Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Trade creditEconomic production quantityPredictive maintenanceImperfect production system
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Lately, Industry 4.0 revolution is initiated among enterprises. As a part of intelligence production system, predictive maintenance is able to estimate production system breakdown points through cyber-physics sensors and data analysis, which is capable executing maintenances before system breakdown and improving system reliability. The traditional EPQ model assumes production system all products are perfect quality, which is unrealistic. In reality, production system may produces imperfect items, and shifting from “in-control” to “out-of-control” statuses, causing a higher defective rate. Due to system characteristic considered revenue sources as two types of item depends on quality is more reasonable. In reality, suppliers often provides trade credit to customers, in order to release their financial pressure and increases supplier’s demands. In this study, first imperfect economic production quantity model we proposed is under predictive maintenance. The second model is taking trade credit financing arrangement as an additional extension. Primary objective of models are determine optimal production runtime, predictive maintenance efforts level and maximized expected total revenue. In the finish, we characterized the relation among decisions and profit so as to obtain conclusions and relevant managerial phenomena.
摘要 I
1.1 Background and Motivation 2
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Organization 4
2.1 EPQ model and Imperfect Production Process 6
2.2 Maintenance Policy 7
2.3 Trade Credit 9
3.1 Notations and Assumptions 11
3.2 Mathematical Model 13
3.3 Solution Approach 17
3.4 Numerical Examples 17
3.5 Sensitivity Analysis 21
4.1 Mathematical Model 24
4.2 Solution Approach 28
4.2.1 Optimal production runtime 28
4.2.2 Optimal Solution and Algorithm Development 34
4.3 Numerical Examples 38
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis 41
5.1 Conclusions 47
5.2 Future Research 49

Figure 1. Total On-hand inventory of model 1 16
Figure 2. Production Period Length influences Expected Total Revenue 19
Figure 3. Predictive Maintenance Efforts Level influences Expected Total Revenue 19
Figure 4. 3D graphic of Predictive Maintenance Efforts Level, Production Period Length influences and Expected Total Revenue 20
Figure 5. Total On-hand inventory of model 2 24
Figure 6. Production Period Length influences Expected Total Revenue 39
Figure 7. Predictive Maintenance Efforts Level influences Expected Total Revenue 40

Table 1. Numerical Example for Model1 18
Table 2. Sensitivity analysis of Set-up Cost for model 1 22
Table 3.Sensitivity analysis of Holding Cost for model 1 22
Table 4.Sensitivity analysis of Corrective Maintenance Cost for model 1 22
Table 5.Sensitivity analysis of Predictive Maintenance Cost for model 1 22
Table 6.Sensitivity analysis of Perfect Item Selling Price for model 1 23
Table 7.Sensitivity analysis of Imperfect Item Selling Price for model 1 23
Table 8. Numerical Example for Model2 39
Table 9. Sensitivity analysis of Set-up Cost for model 2 42
Table 10. Sensitivity analysis of Holding Cost for model 2 42
Table 11. Sensitivity analysis of Corrective Maintenance Cost for model 2 43
Table 12. Sensitivity analysis of Predictive Maintenance Cost for model 2 43
Table 13. Sensitivity analysis of Perfect Item Selling Price for model 2 44
Table 14. Sensitivity analysis of Imperfect Item Selling Price for model 2 44
Table 15. Sensitivity analysis of Credit Period for model 2 45
Table 16. Sensitivity analysis of Interest Paid for model 2 45
Table 17. Sensitivity analysis of Interest Earned for model 2 46
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