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研究生(外文):Zong-Han Guo
論文名稱(外文):Mental Workload Evaluation of 2D and 3D Laparoscopy Simulation through EEG Measurement
指導教授(外文):Jiou-Siang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Brain waveElectroencephalogramBlink ratestereoscopic2D images3D imagesMental workload
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本研究徵求12位健康的受測者分別在2D與3D影像下操作兩種不同深度需求任務,探討受測者在二維影像與三維影像下之心智負荷。本實驗擷取Alpha腦波及眨眼率作為心理壓力程度之指標,而Gamma腦波作為專注程度之指標。以及利用主觀問卷(National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index, NASA TLX)評估心智負荷。在任務操作前,讓受測者休息2分鐘,之後受測者需帶上Muse腦波儀器站在距離3D電視2公尺處操作兩項任務(軟塞轉移任務及畫圈追蹤任務)。從腦波結果顯示在三維影像下分別操作兩項任務受測者較高的Alpha值與較低的Gamma值以及較高的眨眼率。此結果可以推論出受測者使用三維影像時感到較為放鬆以及花較少專注程度。而從主觀問卷數據可以得知,在3D立體視覺輔助下有比較少的心智需求及挫折感。基於客觀與主觀評估方法,3D顯示技術確實提供有效深度感知以及方向定位,讓受測者感受較低的心智負荷下完成任務。但3D影像仍無法提供一個優良的影像品質,經注視一段時間後,人的眼睛容易產生疲勞感,造成不適。希望在未來,3D影像可以大幅地降低視覺不適的情況發生。
Laparoscopic surgery is slowly replacing the traditional invasive surgeries due to the benefits, including speedy recovery time, and reducing the chance of complications. But this surgical approach also limits the surgeons' depth perception and vision. They need to spend more time to complete the operation, thus leading the surgeons to have higher mental workloads.
This research, through the usage of EEG and NASA TLX analyzed 12 participants who performed tasks with different depth perception to understand the effect of 2D and 3D images on one’s mental workload. This experiment uses Alpha brainwave and blink rate as the index for mental pressure while the Gamma wave is used as the index for concentration. Prior to the start of the experiment, participants were asked to rest for 2 minutes to calibrate the brainwave signals from unwanted noises. Afterwards, participants were asked to wear the Muse headband and to stand 2 meters away from the 3D monitor while performing the two tasks (peg transfer and circle tracing). From the brainwave result, 3D display results in higher Alpha wave activity, blink rate, and lower Gamma wave activity. In general, the participants feel more relaxed and have lower concentration level in the 3D environment. The NASA TLX survey results also show that stereoscopic vision can be helpful in lowering mental workload and frustration. Due to the result of both subjective and objective analysis, we conclude that the 3D display technology provides helpful depth perception and direction, thus lowering the mental demand of the participants during the completion of the tasks. However, 3D displays do not produce good enough images, therefore causing eye-fatigue to the participants.
摘要 IV
Abstract V
圖目錄 X
表目錄 1
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 4
1.3 研究架構與流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1腦電圖(Electroencephalogram, EEG) 6
2.2腦機介面(Brain-computer Interface, BCI) 7
2.3 Muse腦波儀器 8
2.3 Alpha腦波相關研究 8
2.4 Gamma腦波相關研究 9
2.5 眨眼(Blinks) 9
2.6 基礎內視鏡手術訓練(Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery, FLS) 10
第三章 實驗方法 14
3.1受測者 14
3.2設備 15
3.3 腦波訊號處理 20
3.4 實驗設計 22
3.4.1 自變數 22
3.4.2 依變數 23
3.5 實驗過程 27
3.4.1 軟塞轉移任務(Peg transferring task) 28
3.4.2 畫圈追蹤任務(Circle tracing task) 29
第四章 實驗結果 31
4.1軟塞轉移任務 31
4.1.1完成時間(Movement time) 31
4.1.2失誤率(Error rate) 32
4.2畫圈追蹤任務 33
4.2.1完成時間(Movement time) 33
4.2.2失誤率(Error rate) 34
4.3腦波活動(Brainwave activity) 35
4.3.1 軟塞轉移任務 35
4.3.2畫圈追蹤任務 39
4.4主觀評量問卷(NASA-TLX) 42
4.4.1 軟塞轉移任務 42
4.4.2畫圈追蹤任務 44
第五章 討論及建議 48
5.1討論 48
5.2建議 50
5.2.1 Muse headbnd 50
5.2.2視覺疲勞及不適 50
第六章 結論 51
6.1結論 51
6.2未來研究方向 51
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