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研究生:Indy Cesara
研究生(外文):Indy Cesara
論文名稱(外文):Applying An Overlapped Design Schedule Based Dependency Structure Matrix to Minimize Project Makespan
指導教授(外文):Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員(外文):Ren-Jieh KuoYeh-Chun Juan
中文關鍵詞:Human Resources AllocationProject MakespanDependency Structure MatrixWorker ClusterOverlapped Design ProcessRework Time
外文關鍵詞:Human Resources AllocationProject MakespanDependency Structure MatrixWorker ClusterOverlapped Design ProcessRework Time
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Design process scheduling is conducted by optimizing human resources or workers allocation to several tasks in project with several real constraint to achieve the objective, minimizing the project makespan. Minimizing the project makespan means minimizing the product launching time too. Thus their product could be more competitive than competitor in market. In real business case, despite the tasks are already allocated to the optimal workers, rework still can happen because of the uncertainty. The rework can lead to unexpected extra time consumption. To anticipate this unexpected problem, tasks overlapping method is proposed in this research to reduce the project makespan after worker allocation.

The time reduction could be used as rework time, therefore extra time would not be needed. However the task overlapping method has a drawback, it requires more coordination and interaction between workers who conduct each of overlapping tasks. This research emphasize overlapped design schedule in a design process based Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM). Worker DSM is used to encounter the task overlapping’s drawback. Worker DSM could identify worker cluster. Workers who come from same cluster have more coordination and interaction to each other. It is expected workers who assigned on tasks overlapped are from same cluster. This research’s intention is to provide the workers allocation to obtain optimal project makespan result and create worker clustering from worker-DSM to identify the tasks that can be overlapped in design process. It is also expected to show the possible rework time from tasks overlapping’s reduction time.
Design process scheduling is conducted by optimizing human resources or workers allocation to several tasks in project with several real constraint to achieve the objective, minimizing the project makespan. Minimizing the project makespan means minimizing the product launching time too. Thus their product could be more competitive than competitor in market. In real business case, despite the tasks are already allocated to the optimal workers, rework still can happen because of the uncertainty. The rework can lead to unexpected extra time consumption. To anticipate this unexpected problem, tasks overlapping method is proposed in this research to reduce the project makespan after worker allocation.

The time reduction could be used as rework time, therefore extra time would not be needed. However the task overlapping method has a drawback, it requires more coordination and interaction between workers who conduct each of overlapping tasks. This research emphasize overlapped design schedule in a design process based Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM). Worker DSM is used to encounter the task overlapping’s drawback. Worker DSM could identify worker cluster. Workers who come from same cluster have more coordination and interaction to each other. It is expected workers who assigned on tasks overlapped are from same cluster. This research’s intention is to provide the workers allocation to obtain optimal project makespan result and create worker clustering from worker-DSM to identify the tasks that can be overlapped in design process. It is also expected to show the possible rework time from tasks overlapping’s reduction time.
Design process scheduling is conducted by optimizing human resources or workers allocation to several tasks in project with several real constraint to achieve the objective, minimizing the project makespan. Minimizing the project makespan means minimizing the product launching time too. Thus their product could be more competitive than competitor in market. In real business case, despite the tasks are already allocated to the optimal workers, rework still can happen because of the uncertainty. The rework can lead to unexpected extra time consumption. To anticipate this unexpected problem, tasks overlapping method is proposed in this research to reduce the project makespan after worker allocation.

The time reduction could be used as rework time, therefore extra time would not be needed. However the task overlapping method has a drawback, it requires more coordination and interaction between workers who conduct each of overlapping tasks. This research emphasize overlapped design schedule in a design process based Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM). Worker DSM is used to encounter the task overlapping’s drawback. Worker DSM could identify worker cluster. Workers who come from same cluster have more coordination and interaction to each other. It is expected workers who assigned on tasks overlapped are from same cluster. This research’s intention is to provide the workers allocation to obtain optimal project makespan result and create worker clustering from worker-DSM to identify the tasks that can be overlapped in design process. It is also expected to show the possible rework time from tasks overlapping’s reduction time
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