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研究生:Achmad Maulidin
研究生(外文):Achmad Maulidin
論文名稱:A Simulated Annealing Heuristic for the Path Cover Problem with Time Windows
論文名稱(外文):A Simulated Annealing Heuristic for the Path Cover Problem with Time Windows
指導教授(外文):Vincent F. Yu
口試委員(外文):Yu-Chung TsaoChung-Cheng Lu
中文關鍵詞:Vehicle Routing ProblemTime WindowPath Covering ProblemSimulated AnnealingRestart Strategy
外文關鍵詞:Vehicle Routing ProblemTime WindowPath Covering ProblemSimulated AnnealingRestart Strategy
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This research presents an extension of the Vehicle vehicle Routing routing Problem problem with Time time Wwindows (VRPTW), namely,called the path covering problem with time windows (PCPTW). In order to be more applicable in a real-world setting, this research presents a problem that always has been faced by a many company companies which that does not have their own a vehicle at allfleet, or do not have enough vehicles its feel is inappropriate or inadequate to satisfy the demand. and have to be delivered in relatively short times to a set of customers. PCPTW is NP-hard since its variant of the well-known VRPTW is NP-hardvehicle routing problem with time windows. Thus, this research formulated a mathematical models for PCPTW and , performed a numerical study usinged CPLEX to solve small and largePCPTW benchmark instances. In addition, this study and developed a simulated annealing with restart strategy (SA_RS) algorithm to solving large PCPTW instances, which that are generated from Solomon’s VRPTW benchmark instances. At the end, this research cComputational result shows that the proposed SA_RS performed performs well on solving PCPTW.
This research presents an extension of the Vehicle vehicle Routing routing Problem problem with Time time Wwindows (VRPTW), namely,called the path covering problem with time windows (PCPTW). In order to be more applicable in a real-world setting, this research presents a problem that always has been faced by a many company companies which that does not have their own a vehicle at allfleet, or do not have enough vehicles its feel is inappropriate or inadequate to satisfy the demand. and have to be delivered in relatively short times to a set of customers. PCPTW is NP-hard since its variant of the well-known VRPTW is NP-hardvehicle routing problem with time windows. Thus, this research formulated a mathematical models for PCPTW and , performed a numerical study usinged CPLEX to solve small and largePCPTW benchmark instances. In addition, this study and developed a simulated annealing with restart strategy (SA_RS) algorithm to solving large PCPTW instances, which that are generated from Solomon’s VRPTW benchmark instances. At the end, this research cComputational result shows that the proposed SA_RS performed performs well on solving PCPTW.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope and Limitations 3
1.5 Organization 4
2.1 Vehicle Routing Problem 5
2.2 Simulated Annealing 8
3.1 Problem Definition 11
3.2 Mathematical Model 12
4.1 Simulated Annealing Algorithm 15
4.2 Solution Representation 18
4.3 Initial Solution 18
4.4 Neighborhood Moves 18
4.5 Parameters used in SA 20
5.1 Parameter Setting 21
5.2 Algorithm Testing 25
5.3 Computational Result for PCPTW 30
6.1 Conclusion 45
6.2 Research Contributions 46
6.3 Recommendation for Future Research 46
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