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研究生(外文):Yu-Chia Chen
論文名稱(外文):Activity Recognition using Accelerometers
指導教授(外文):Bernard-C. Jiang
口試委員(外文):Chiuhsiang Joe LinTien-Lung Sun
外文關鍵詞:accelerometeractivity recognitionfeatures extractionclassificationmultiscale entropy
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Accelerometer has been widely used as a tool for studying posture stability because of its convenience and inexpensive. Acceleration data can reflect the intensity of human movement and it’s a simple way to verify the accuracy of accelerometers by detecting the number of steps because the speed of each activity is significantly different. However, if you want to further study the quality of the movement, gait assessment cannot achieve this purpose. Besides, there will be different effects for accuracy by placing in different parts of the body.
In this research, we used the feature extraction and multiscale entropy analysis to get the better performance of three different accelerometers (Arduino, Cavy, Curo) and then compare the classification of different positions (knee, ankle, back, wrist). Twenty participants performed three different activities (walk, jog, run) on the treadmill and ten kinds of features (including MSE) were calculated by Matlab, then we compare the classification by random forest classification method. The results showed that average, maximum, minimum, energy, and root mean square were the most appropriate features to analyze the acceleration data. We found that the accuracy would increase significantly after adding the MSE for one of the features. For comparing three different accelerometers, the accuracy of Arduino accelerometer was the highest and the multiscale entropy analysis showed that Arduino and Curo accelerometers could clearly distinguish the difference between the three activities. This study also found that the back and wrist were the most accurate locations and the MSE could be the features to classify the data as different activities.
摘要 1
目錄 3
圖目錄 5
表目錄 7
第一章 緒論 9
1.1 研究背景 9
1.2 研究目的 9
1.3 研究流程 11
第二章 文獻回顧 12
2.1 加速規 12
2.1.1 感測器放置位置 14
2.2 訊號處理 15
2.2.1 峰值檢測 16
2.2.2 零交叉 17
2.3 特徵值 20
2.3.1 時域特徵值 20
2.3.2 頻域特徵值 22
2.4 分類方法 23
2.5 多尺度熵分析 27
2.6 總結 28
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 受測者招募 29
3.2 實驗設計 30
3.2.1 控制變項 30
3.2.2 自變項 30
3.2.3 依變項 30
3.3 實驗儀器設備 31
3.3.1 HORIZON Adventure 3 跑步機 31
3.3.2 Mega2560開發板結合MPU-9255九軸的運動感測器 32
3.3.3 Cavy加速規 35
3.3.4 Curo加速規 38
3.4 實驗流程 41
3.5 資料處理 47
3.5.1 原始資料處理 47
3.5.2 特徵值計算 48
3.5.3 MSE資料處理過程 48
3.5.4 分類驗證資料正確性 52
3.5.5 Weka 分類流程介紹 52
3.6 統計分析 54
第四章 研究結果 55
4.1 零交叉與真實步數差異 55
4.2 分類結果 62
4.2.1 5種特徵值統計量 62
4.2.2 不同特徵值分類正確率比較 64
4.2.3 三種不同加速規分類正確率比較 64
4.2.4 不同位置正確分類率比較 67
4.2.5 MSE與5種最適當特徵值以及單獨MSE分類結果 69
4.3 MSE、MMSE與不同活動之統計分析 70
第五章 討論與結論 78
5.1 討論 78
5.1.1 資料處理方法驗證 78
5.1.2 特徵值選擇 78
5.1.3 加速規以及位置選擇 78
5.1.4 MSE做為特徵值分類結果 79
5.1.5 三種加速規MSE、MMSE與不同活動的關係 79
5.2 結論 80
5.3 未來發展 80
參考文獻 81
附錄一 實驗同意書 85
附錄二 Subject1 walk ankle MSE+5features 資料 88
附錄三 Subject1 Walk ankle MSEMag 92
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