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研究生(外文):Ping-Man Wang
論文名稱(外文):The influence of post comments and presentation on business communication
指導教授(外文):Seng-Su Tsang
口試委員(外文):Yi-Ying ChangChung-Wen Chen
中文關鍵詞:貼文留言企業溝通效果價值共創推敲可能性模型(elaboration likelihood modelELM)臉書粉絲專頁驅動詞社交歷程詞情感歷程詞正/負向內容文字
外文關鍵詞:post commentsbusiness communicationvalue co-creationelaboration likelihood modelFacebook fan pageachievement wordssocial processes wordsaffective processes wordspositive and negative emotional words
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過去多數研究都是探討企業貼文訊息內容如何去創造粉絲互動,然而,根據價值共創概念,在企業臉書粉絲專頁中,維繫粉絲間能主動在臉書留言、對話之互動顯得更為重要,本研究期望透過探討貼文留言內容與訊息呈現方式對於企業溝通效果之影響,以建立新興角度之價值共創思維。並以推敲可能性模型(elaboration likelihood model, ELM)作為研究架構,將留言內容針對驅動詞、社交歷程詞、情感歷程詞與正/負向內容文字作為核心途徑,此外,也將置入具備情感之圖片和影片當做調節變數,藉以探討圖/影片所產生之邊陲途徑效果。研究蒐集92則Nike臉書粉絲專頁之貼文,使用文本分析軟體LIWC和資料分析與統計軟體Stata進行分析,研究結果顯示,企業經營粉絲專頁過程,應該要將專頁孕育成適合粉絲增進聲望、驅動價值與分享自我情感之環境,避免粉絲間留下建立社交互動歷程、正向、負向之留言,藉由粉絲間對話,來促進企業溝通效果。此外,當企業粉絲專頁環境孕育成適合粉絲分享自我情感之環境,並置入激發情感類型之圖片或影片,便能強化粉絲按讚之動機進而達到企業溝通效果。
Most of the past researches discussed about how to create interaction between fans by post contents in company’s Facebook fan page. However, according to the concept of value co-creation, making fans to be active to leave their comments and conversation is more important. In order to set up new concept of value co-creation, this research wants to discuss the influence of post comments and presentation on business communication. In the light of ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model), this research filters the post comments into achievement words, social processes words, affective processes words, positive and negative emotional words as the central route. Moreover, the emotional pictures or video clips in posts are the peripheral route which is moderator. This research collects 92 posts in Nike’s Facebook fan page and use LIWC and Stata as analysis tool. The result indicates companies’ Facebook fan page may build up the environment which is suitable for fans to increase their prestige, drive self-worth and share emotion, besides, avoid fans to leave comments to establish social interaction process, positive and negative content. Boost business communication by creating conversation between fans. Furthermore, when companies’ Facebook fan page build up the environment which is suitable for fans to share their emotion and put the emotional pictures or video clips in posts, it can strength fans’ motivation of pressing “Like” to achieve business communication.
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章、文獻回顧 4
2.1 社群發展 4
2.2 推敲可能性模型(ELM) 5
2.3 價值共創 7
2.4 資訊分享 9
2.5 訊息內容 10
第三章、研究方法 13
3.1 研究架構與假說 13
3.2 變數定義 14
3.3 研究對象 17
3.4 資料蒐集 17
3.5 資料分析方法 18
第四章、研究結果 20
4.1 敘述性統計 20
4.2 直接效果分析 21
4.3 調節效果分析 23
第五章、結論與建議 27
5.1 結論與討論 27
5.2 管理意涵與學術貢獻 29
5.3 研究限制與未來研究建議 30
參考文獻 32
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