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研究生(外文):Yu-Feng Huang
論文名稱:成功增齡與延遲退休意圖之研究 ─ 員工幸福感的中介效果
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Successful Aging and Delay Retirement Intentions ─ Mediating Effect of Employee Well-Being
指導教授(外文):Jen-Wei Cheng
口試委員(外文):Gwo-Guang LeeYing-Jung YehJen-Wei Cheng
外文關鍵詞:successful agingemployee well-beingdelay retirement intentions
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China has put forward the "progressive delay retirement policy" for the aging population in response to the increasing problems of the aging population. It is used in the hope that the employees of the enterprise can not only passively accept the policy, but also at the psychological level.
In the past, the psychological feelings which influent the employee's retirement intention are the well-being of life, the well-being of work and the psychological well-being. Therefore, this study takes the employee well-being as the mediating change project, and discusses the relationship between the employee's successful aging policy and the employee’s delayed retirement intention
The results of hierarchical regression analysis of 262 samples show that there is a positive relationship between successful aging measures and employee well-being. Employee well-being there is a mediating effect between successful aging and delayed retirement.
摘要............................................................. I
Abstract ...................................................... II
目錄........................................................... III
表目錄.......................................................... IV
圖目錄........................................................... V
第一章 緒論...................................................... 1
第一節 中國大陸「延遲退休年齡政策」概況.............................. 1
第二節 中國大陸人口老齡化衝擊....................................... 3
第三節 研究問題與目的.............................................. 5
第二章 文獻探討................................................... 6
第一節 成功增齡(successful aging)................................. 6
第二節 延遲退休意圖(delay retirement intentions) ................ 11
第三節 員工幸福感(employee well-being, EWB) ..................... 15
第四節 成功增齡、員工幸福感與延遲退休意圖的關係推理.................. 19
第三章 研究方法.................................................. 21
第一節 研究架構.................................................. 21
第二節 抽樣設計.................................................. 22
第三節 變數衡量.................................................. 22
第四節 效度檢定.................................................. 27
第四章 分析結果.................................................. 29
第一節 樣本敘述性統計與相關分析.................................... 29
第二節 研究假設驗證.............................................. 30
第五章 結論與建議................................................ 34
第一節 研究結論.................................................. 34
第二節 研究貢獻.................................................. 35
第三節 研究限制及未來研究建議...................................... 37
參考文獻........................................................ 39
中文部分........................................................ 39
英文部分........................................................ 40
附錄 碩士論文研究問卷............................................. 45
王信賢(民102),「中國大陸高齡化衝擊及養老服務業發展」,展望與探索月刊,第11卷,第 10期,19-25。
李漢東、淩唯心(民103),「我國老年人口退休年齡、健康狀況及工作意願分析」,老齡科學研究,第2卷,第9期,44-54。 林麗惠(民95), 「台灣高齡(學)習者成功老化之研究 」,人口學刊,第 33 期, 133-170。
謝依純(民101),「影響台灣中高齡者退休年齡之因素」,台灣老年學論,第 14 期。

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