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研究生(外文):Shiang-Ning Tseng
論文名稱(外文):Who will Skip this Deal: Maximizer or Satisfier?
指導教授(外文):Min-Yih Yeh
外文關鍵詞:Inaction inertiaMaximizer/SatisficerRegulatory-Framed MessageFitAnticipated regret
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In spite of numerous price-discount promotions every day, not every consumer is able to seal the best deal. It is common for people to overlook promotion events in daily life. The phenomenon that one is not likely to act upon the less attractive opportunity after bypassing the more attractive opportunity is called inaction inertia. This research aims to investigate how likely maximizers and satisifisers will act on the inferior promotion after missing the superior promotion. We use four experiments to test following relationship: First, maximizers show higher inaction inertia than satisficers do. Second, this phenomenon only happens when the difference in attractiveness between the missed and the current opportunity is large. Besides, regulatory focus theory can be applied to message framing. Under promotion message framing, satisfiers show weaker inaction inertia than maximizers. On the other hand, no difference in inaction inertia exists between maximizers and satisficers under prevention message framing. Moreover, we look at the process underlying the difference in inaction inertia between consumer type and regulatory-framed message. When there is a fit between consumer type and regulatory-framed message, it will lead to lower regret.
第一章 緒論1
第二章 文獻探討3
第一節 極大化與滿足化者3
第二節 無為慣性4
第三節 無為慣性與經驗後悔、預期行動後悔、預期不行動後悔4
第四節 極大化、滿足化者與無為慣性5
第三章 實驗一:極大化者及滿足化者的無為慣性程度8
第一節 方法8
第二節 結果8
第三節 結論9
第四章 實驗二:以相對吸引力差距小為邊界條件11
第一節 方法11
第二節 結果12
第三節 結論13
第五章 實驗三:規範框架訊息和消費者類型對行動可能性17
第一節 方法17
第二節 結果18
第三節 結論20
第六章 實驗四:預期後悔的中介效果21
第ㄧ節 前測21
第二節 方法21
第三節 結果22
第四節 結論26
第七章 結論與建議27
第一節 理論貢獻27
第二節 管理意涵28
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議29
實驗ㄧ:極大化量表(Maximization Scale)(Schwartz et al. 2002)30
實驗二:極大化傾向量表(Maximizing Tendency Scale)(Diab, Gillespie, and Highhouse 2008)30

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