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研究生(外文):Yu-Chien Chang
論文名稱:全球旅遊服務業貿易分析 -以空間引力模型應用
論文名稱(外文):The Determinants and Features of Services Trade in Travel Services: A Spatial Augmented Gravity Model Approach
指導教授(外文):Shun-Chiao Chang
口試委員(外文):Guang-Di ChangCou-Chen WuFav-Tsoin Lai
外文關鍵詞:bilateral trade of travel servicesspatial augmented gravity modelreal exchange raterevealed comparative advantageservices in GDPper capita GDP
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本研究以空間擴增引力模型為應用,探討影響全球旅遊的服務貿易出口因素。資料採用世界銀行 (The World Bank) 及國際貿易中心 (International Trade Centre, ITC) 自2005年到2014年的縱橫資料。解釋變數包含GDP、距離、市場潛力、實質匯率、顯示性比較優勢指數、服務業佔GDP比例、人均GDP、基礎建設指標,以及虛擬變數的金融海嘯與共同語言。同時,本研究利用BP-LM Test、Hausman Test及Over-Identification Test of the Hausman Taylor Model (HTM) 篩選適切的實證模型。
This study investigates the determinants of exports of travel services by utilizing a spatial augmented gravity model with data for 36 major exporting countries covering the period from 2005 to 2014. The empirical results of the FEM and Hausman-Taylor Model (HTM) are summarized as follows.
The empirical results related to GDP are emerged the same coefficients, and that indicates that economic development, condition and structure are the basic but critical determinates in travel services. First, the host countries’ GDPs have a significant positive impact on the exports of travel services. This means that the host countries could expand their exports of travel services by strengthening their economic performance and conditions. Secondly, for both the home and the host countries, per capita GDP is an important determinant of exports of travel services, implying that the income of the home and the host countries significantly influences the willingness to travel. Third, in addition, there is a significant positive relationship between the services in the GDP of the home country and the exports of travel services. This reveals that the economic structure of the home country is dominated by services, and that is helpful in terms of expanding its exports of travel services. Fourth, although the technology has been dramatically improved in recent decades, the geographical distance is still a barrier to travel services. Fifth, the revealed comparative advantage also has an obviously positive impact on the exports of travel services. This indicates that all of the sample countries indeed have a comparative advantage in travel services, so that they could represent the overall situation of travel services in the world. Sixth, the market potential positively affects the exports of travel services, pointing out that the host country will play a more and more critical role in travel services. Seventh, the results of the real exchange rate and the infrastructure are contrary to a number of studies, demonstrating that the effect of exports of travel services should be considered in the long-term. Finally, the financial crisis and a common language have a significantly positive impact on the exports of travel services. This reveals that people became more willing to travel to developing countries following the financial crisis, due to being affected by the cost of travel.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 4
1.3 Research Framework 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review 8
Chapter 3 Methodology 13
3.1 Sample Description 13
3.2 Description of the Variables 18
3.3 Empirical Model 34
3.4 Methods of Empirical Model Selection 37
Chapter 4 Empirical Findings 40
4.1 Testing for Multicollinearity 40
4.2 Empirical Model Selection 45
4.3 Empirical Results for Travel Services 47
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions 52
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