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研究生(外文):Ching-Chia Chou
論文名稱(外文):Design of Laser Excited Remote Phosphor Optical Module for Automotive Headlight Application
指導教授(外文):Tsung-Xian Lee
外文關鍵詞:Laser headlightLaser diodeGlass-ceramics phosphorporjection lensMixing light pipe
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本論文旨在探討雷射車燈之光學模組設計,包含一款近光燈及一款兼具可見光與紅外線功能之遠光燈。本論文採用450nm高功率藍光雷射二極體作為激發光源,使用混光導光柱將雷射光束導引至反射式玻璃陶瓷螢光粉片,激發出白光。本論文提出的雷射車燈系統設計可滿足ECE R113對稱頭燈光型與ECE R112非對稱頭燈光型之車燈照度規範,模組光學效率可達60%以上,體積可限縮在長95mm寬45mm以內,相當於減少現今一般車用頭燈30%體積。
The purpose of this thesis is focusing on the design of the optical module of laser headlamp system, including a low beam and a high beam with visible light and infrared ray function. In this research, 450nm high power blue laser diodes were applied as excitation light source, which was guided to the reflective ceramic phosphor plate with the design of the mixing light pipe, finally converted to white light. These headlamp designs meet the ECE R113 and ECE R112 standard separately, as well as the efficiency of headlamp module both reached up to 60%. Besides, the volume size of these modules can be limited to 95mm in length and 45mm in width so that indicates that we can reduce the size up to 30% of the existing automotive headlamp.
Keywords: Laser headlight、Laser diode、Glass-ceramics phosphor、porjection lens、Mixing light pipe
中文摘要 i
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 xi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 論文架構 5
第2章 文獻探討 6
2.1 雷射白光技術 6
2.2 紅外線車用技術 13
2.3 雷射車燈現有技術 15
第3章 雷射光電特性量測 20
3.1 雷射光束分布測量 20
3.2 雷射光譜量測與長時間燒測 27
3.3 雷射光電特性與效率轉換 30
3.4 紅外線雷射二極體光電特性量測 32
第4章 雷射白光照明模擬 35
4.1 螢光粉模型建立 35
4.2 玻璃陶瓷螢光粉散射特性驗證 36
4.3 玻璃陶瓷螢光粉激發比例係數驗證 45
4.4 總結 48
第5章 雷射車燈設計 49
5.1 雷射車燈模組架構建立 49
5.2 雷射車燈整體系統評估 51
5.3 雷射車燈架構模擬與量測驗證 53
5.4 遠光燈光型設計 58
5.5 投射透鏡優化設計 61
5.6 雷射遠光燈系統模擬 63
5.7 近光燈光形設計 70
5.8 雷射近光燈系統模擬 72
第6章 結論 78
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