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研究生(外文):Kai-Chuan Chan
論文名稱(外文):Key Innovation Design Technology of Natural Light Illumination Systems
指導教授(外文):Allen, Jong Woei Whang
口試委員(外文):JUI-CHU LINChung-Hsien KuoWei-Hwa ChiangHan-Chieh ChaoChou, Yon-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Natural Light Illumination SystemsNatural Lightoptical systemindoor lightingconcentrator
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Regrading to the energy-saving and carbon dioxide reduction, the green energy has been gaining popularity in recent years. For saving energy and healthy lighting, there are many researches to focus on sunlight system without opto-electronic conversion.
This research will discuss natural light illumination system at home and abroad. Analyze the different structures of natural light illumination system. And describe the design method of PSSDL natural light illumination system, and classify and analyze all kinds of light collecting technology, and provide anyone who wants to be involved in natural light illumination system to know the design method.
In this paper, the main four different ways to compare the collector, the high output static disk stack structure collector, static prism light ax, static double stackable collector, prism array collector The X-axis and Z-axis analysis were carried out to analyze the efficiency and tolerance of the axial under the same conditions. Finally, through the analysis of the data of the Central Weather Bureau. And the azimuth angle, analyzes the influence of its four seasons on the collector and the average efficiency of the four seasons. Finally, the paper puts forward the problems of the current system, and puts forward the future design of the natural light guide system. Set the light efficiency problem, so that the next generation of light collection system can expand the light collection angle and set light efficiency.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖次 vi
表次 x
第1章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
1.3自然導光技術的重要性 3
第2章 國內外自然導光系統之比較 7
2.1 Heliostat Daylighting(定日鏡) 7
2.2 Lucy Heliostat 7
2.3 CAIA heliostat 9
2.4 Sunpipe傳光管導光系統 10
2.5 HIMAWARI系统 14
2.6 SUNPORTAL系统 16
第3章 自然光照明系統技術分析 18
3.1自然光導光系統概述與分類 18
3.1.1 自然導光系統概述 18
3.1.2 自然導光系統分類 19
3.2 NLIS集光子系統 20
3.2.1靜態稜鏡集光單元(Light Unit) 21
3.2.2靜態稜鏡集光斧(Light Axe) 25
3.2.3靜態稜鏡集光磚(Light Brick) 29
3.2.4靜態稜鏡集光模組(Sun Module) 32
3.2.5改良之靜態式稜鏡集光器 35
3.2.6靜態式雙層可堆疊集光器 39
3.2.7稜鏡陣列靜態集光器 44
3.2.8具微稜鏡陣列與導光層之靜態平板集光器 49
3.2.9靜態式稜鏡集光器優化設計(Optimized light brick unit) 53
3.3圓盤集光系統 60
3.3.1非聚焦式自由曲面透鏡圓盤集光器 61
3.3.2高輸出靜態式圓盤堆疊結構集光器 64
3.4定日鏡集光器(Heliostat) 67
3.4.1陣列式定日鏡集光器(Mirror Array Heliostat) 69
3.4.2雙拋物面定日鏡(Double Reflectors Heliostat) 72
第4章 導光技術分析與比較 76
4.1 正向入射(Normal incidence) 78
4.2 單一軸向(Axial incidence) 79
4.3四季日照方位 80
4.4自然導光集光器模擬分析與比較 82
第5章 結論與未來展望 97
5.1 結論 97
5.2 未來展望 98
參考文獻 99
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