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研究生(外文):Ya-Fen Chang
論文名稱(外文):Spectral Adjustment of White LED to Raise Visual Value of Textile
指導教授(外文):Hung-Shing Chen
口試委員(外文):Pei-Li SunChin-Mei Chou
外文關鍵詞:textile lightingvividnesspreference
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The goal of this study is to utilize a multi-channel LED system to change color-vividness of textiles. Two kinds of of experiments were designed. Experiment 1 names “whole color evaluation experiment”. The variables mainly include color-vividness spectra, hue-emphasizing spectra, sample pattern factor and color relation. They are evaluated in the aspects of vividness, preference and clarity. Experiment 2 names “individual color evaluation experiment”. The variables mainly include color-vividness spectra, hue-emphasizing spectra. They were evaluated in the aspects of vividness and preference.
The result of Experiment 1 indicated there were high correlation between either of vividness and preference and the clarity. And the following conclusion can be obtained: “When an observer watches the textile sample under the illuminant with color-vividness effect, then he (she) can feel vividness, preference, and clarity simultaneously”. The result of Experiment 2 showed there were high correlations between vividness and preference. Furthermore, the following conclusion can be obtained : “When an observer watches the textile sample under the illuminant with color-vividness effect, then he (she) can feel vividness and preference simultaneously”.
摘要................................................................................................................................ I
Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II
致謝.............................................................................................................................. III
目錄.............................................................................................................................. IV
圖目錄.......................................................................................................................... VI
表目錄........................................................................................................................... X
第一章 緒論.................................................................................................................. 1
1.1研究背景與動機 .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 論文架構 .............................................................................................................. 3
第二章 原理與文獻探討.............................................................................................. 4
2.1色度學 .................................................................................................................. 4
2.2黑體 .................................................................................................................... 10
2.3色溫 .................................................................................................................... 11
2.4色彩體系 ............................................................................................................ 14
2.5演色性 ................................................................................................................ 19
2.6紡織與染料 ........................................................................................................ 22
2.7色彩視覺理論 .................................................................................................... 23
2.8文獻探討 ............................................................................................................ 25
第三章 實驗研究與方法............................................................................................. 28
3.1研究方法 ............................................................................................................ 28
3.2研究架構 ............................................................................................................ 29
3.3實驗設備與量測儀器 ........................................................................................ 32
3.4實驗樣本設計 .................................................................................................... 38
3.5測試光源 ............................................................................................................ 41
3.6實驗環境設置與實驗步驟 ................................................................................ 52
3.7問卷評價 ............................................................................................................ 53
3.8實驗一 :整體色評價實驗 ............................................................................... 54
3.9實驗二 :個別色評價實驗 ............................................................................... 56
3.10 資料分析方法 .................................................................................................. 57
第四章 實驗結果分析與比較.................................................................................... 58
4.1受測者準確性與重複性檢驗 ............................................................................ 58
4.2實驗一 :整體色評價實驗之分析 ................................................................... 61
4.3實驗二 :個別色評價實驗之分析 ................................................................... 73
4.4實驗一「整體色評價實驗」與實驗二「個別色評價實驗」比較 ................ 83
第五章 結論與未來課題............................................................................................. 85
參考文獻...................................................................................................................... 87
附錄一 正式測驗項目及複測測驗項目.................................................................... 92 附錄二 紡織樣本圖樣色彩........................................................................................ 93
附錄三 測試光源的特殊演色指數R1道R8值以及帄均演色指數 Ra .................... 95
附錄四 S0-S8光源在IES TM-13-15規範之Rf-Rg座標圖 ..................................... 96
附錄五 S0~S8光源在IES TM-13-15規範之色彩向量圖(Color Vector Graphic) .. 97
附錄六 IES TM-30-15與CIE CRI 2017 規範下99個測試顏色的色彩忠實度及長條分析圖...................................................................................................................... 99
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