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研究生(外文):Cheng-Han - TSAI
論文名稱(外文):Coordination of ground, marine and aerial robots in disaster response
指導教授(外文):Min-Fan Lee
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Hao KoTa-Ming Shih
外文關鍵詞:Autonomous mobile robotswarm intelligenceArtificial IntelligenceDisaster responseImage processing and computer vision
  • 被引用被引用:0
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1. 飛行機器人搭載灰塵傳感器進行空氣品質(霾害)之量測,以及智慧型自主亂流決策系統研發. 2. 地面機器人搭載微型光譜儀進行智慧型水質品質之量測(存在及濃度). 3. 陸海空三種異構機器人間之合作系統,其中包含空-陸;空-海(飛行機器人自主降落於地面機器人;飛行機器人自主降落於海上機器人)以及空-陸(飛行機器人定位及導航地面機器人移動至目的地)。
This thesis describes a heterogeneous robotic collaboration system. It includes 1. Air quality assurance using AMR (aerial mobile robot)/UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) with the onboard PM2.5 detectors and the intelligent turbulence avoidance strategy, 2. Intelligent water quality assurance by using the GMR (ground mobile robot) with onboard micro-spectrometer. 3. Heterogeneous robotic collaboration, Aerial-Ground, Aerial-Water (AMR autonomous landing on GMR and WMR (Water Mobile Robot)) and Aerial-Ground (localization, mapping and path planning)
This thesis successfully used artificial neural network (ANN) to classify the direction of turbulence so that the AMR can know where the turbulence from and fuzzy logic control to making decision whether to go through or avoid it depends the different situation of turbulence.
The empirical result shows the ANN method can precise detect and recognize the liquid material and concentration. And the new ideal about liquid detect is the image based method about PSNR. It can quickly classify whether the liquid is pure water or not. This can quickly help people in disaster response area to classify whether it is the drinking water or not.
The empirical result shows the global aerial SLAM for the ground robot is more effective than the conventional local SLAM conducted by single ground robot alone. The visual servo based AMR landing on GMR and WMR is more reliable and precise than the conventional GPS and barometer based localization.
Table of contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
4.Conclusion and Future work
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