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研究生(外文):Han-Hsiang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a Class of Stewart Platforms
指導教授(外文):Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
口試委員(外文):Ta-Ming ShihMing-Jong Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Computer-aided design (CAD)Stewart platform
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In this research, a class of Stewart platforms is designed and implemented. By the improved mechanical structures and assembly methods, the difficulties in the manufacturing of Stewart platforms can be alleviated and the applications can thus be easily extended. First, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is applied to completing the model building. Second, the kinematics of related parts is analyzed. Finally, the prototype is established by the rapid prototyping.
Presently, the widely used three-axis stabilizer can real-time compensate the offset angle; however, its compensation cannot be carried out in parallel directions. In this research, the mechanical characteristic of a type of parallel robot is adopted to create 6-DOF motion so that the above stated disadvantage can be conquered.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 史都華平台簡介 2
1.3 史都華平台發展 9
1.4 本文主要貢獻 10
1.5 章節說明 11
第2章 史都華平台之機構原理 12
2.1機構類型介紹 12
2.2 運動原理及數學模型 13
2.2.1 工作空間分析方法 13
2.2.2 結構空間定義 14
2.2.3 數學模型 15
2.3 懸臂角度推導 19
第3章 史都華平台之機構設計 28
3.1 機構設計流程 28
3.2電機與硬體選用 30
3.2.1伺服馬達 31
3.2.2硬體選用 32
3.3平台機構設計 34
3.3.1懸臂設計 34
3.3.2球關節機件架構 37
3.3.3基座架構設計 41
3.3.4移動板及連接關節 48
3.3.5組裝驗證 51
第4章 控制系統之實現 55
4.1感測器 55
4.1 .1 加速度計 57
4.1 .2 陀螺儀 58
4.2控制器 59
4.3 LabVIEW控制介面 60
4.4 感測數據擷取 67
第5章結論與未來研究方向 69
5.1結論 69
5.2未來研究方向 69
參考文獻 71
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