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研究生(外文):Che-Ming - Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Application Research of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in the Foam Fire Extinguishment Performance
指導教授(外文):Ching-Yuan Lin
口試委員(外文):Cheng-Li ChengYeng-Horng PerngTzu-Sheng ShenShih-Yi Kuo
外文關鍵詞:electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methodfoam liquid concentratefoamfoam fire extinguishing systemfoam expansion value25% drain time
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(1) 第一種(原液之品牌辨識):可將販售者提供之泡沫原液導納值,紀錄於電腦資料庫中,日後當要再確定泡沫原液之品牌時,可使用先前之電腦資料以為比對判斷之依據。
(2) 第二種(原液之品質控制):當泡沫原液品牌已知時,但不知其品質是否能符合規定(有可能是保存溫度或年限影響),可使用本方法進行導納值量測,當導納值低於90%以下曲線圖形時(不同品牌有不同之可接受濃度,要另進行試驗,本研究僅以某一品牌為例),不視為合格或得繼續使用之泡沫原液,需要再進行泡沫實際放射試驗,反之,當導納值高於90%以上曲線圖形時,則視為安全之泡沫原液,無須再進行泡沫實際放射試驗。

Once a vehicle in indoor parking lot catches fire, it will burn quickly and spread rapidly, and then cause a serious threat to human life and property, so each country requires that building owners should set up a foam fire extinguishing system in accordance with regulations. So far, countries worldwide confirm the method of quality control of related foam liquid concentrates based on actual foam spraying, which spends considerable time, money and manpower.
This research is the first in the world that conducts a test on foam liquid concentrates by using electrochemical AC impedance analyzer to grasp the condition of foam liquid concentrates from “Frequency - admittance” relation diagram; the test result might be a basis for judging the performance of foam liquid concentrates. The test results show that this is a feasible test method.
The concentrates with different concentration ratios of one brand were tested, according to volume ration, the foam liquid concentrates were mixed with water to conduct respectively the following AC impedance tests: 100% of foam liquid concentrate, 10% of water mixed with 90% of foam liquid concentrate, 20% of water mixed with 80% of foam liquid concentrate, 40% of water mixed with 60% of foam liquid concentrate, 60% of water mixed with 40% of foam liquid concentrate, and 80% of water mixed with 20% of foam liquid concentrate. All of AC impedance were analyzed and measured; the same brand was diluted with water to obtain different concentrations for actual foam extinguishing spraying test. Through nine tests, the foaming situations from different concentrations were recorded; comparing the results from AC impedance tests and actual foam extinguishing spraying test, we believed that the tolerance scope of this brand was 90% concentration; also we knew that a degree of concentration of foam liquid concentrate was a major factor to effectively extinguish fire.
The inspection method that this research offers can clearly identify the quality of foam liquid concentrate; there are two applications, the first is brand recognition, second one is quality control of foam liquid concentrate. The explanations are as follows:
(1) Brand Recognition for foam liquid concentrate: Set the admittance value offered by seller into database of computer so as to become a comparing foundation. Once brand identification is necessary, the database can be used as a comparison.
(2) Quality control of foam liquid concentrate: When a brand is confirmed but its quality remains uncertain (for example: violation of regulations such as storage temperature or shelf life influence), this quality control method may be used for measuring admittance value. When an admittance value is lower than 90% of curve diagram (ex: different brand with different acceptable concentrations which should do a test. this research takes one brand for example.), the quality of foam liquid concentrate will not be seen as qualified for using, and an actual spray foam test should be conducted; in contrast, when an admittance value is higher than 90% of curve diagram, the quality of foam liquid concentrate is seen as safe and no need for actual spraying test.
This research hopes to develop a simpler, accurate, effective and economical inspection method for quality control of foam liquid concentrates, the finding which may be a new solution for government checking and technician repairing. Prospectively, the new solution may save time, money and manpower, furthermore, demonstrate the universal responsibility of protecting global environment.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機與背景 1
1.1.1. 研究動機 1
1.1.2. 研究背景 3
1.2. 研究目的 7
1.2.1. 假說提出 7
1.2.2. 研究目的 7
1.3. 名詞定義 8
1.4. 研究流程 10

第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1. 泡沫滅火系統之泡沫滅火性能測試探討與替代性方法 12
2.1.1 泡沫滅火系統於消防安全設備之定位 12
2.1.2 泡沫滅火系統之泡沫滅火性能測試探討 31
2.2. 電化學交流阻抗理論基礎、文獻探討與替代性方法提出 37
2.2.1理論基礎 37
2.2.2文獻探討 43
2.2.3文獻運用於電化學交流阻抗法替代泡沫滅火性能測試構想 45

第三章 研究設計與量測試驗 49
3.1. 研究設計 49
3.2. 電化學交流阻抗法 52
3.3. 泡沫實際放射試驗 54

第四章 實驗過程分析與結果應用 57
4.1. 實驗過程與分析 57
4.1.1 交流阻抗實驗與分析 57
4.1.2 泡沫實際放射實驗與分析 61
4.2. 實際應用分析 63
4.3. 量測模式確認 64
4.4. 驗證模式研擬 65
4.5. 小結 67

第五章 結論及建議 69
5.1. 結論 69
5.2. 建議 70
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